Quarrel in Hawker Centre So Intense, A Phone Was Flung Two Tables Away


Back in 1990, fighting in public was like this:

Image: giphy

Now, it’s like this:

You can watch more about how fights have changed through the years here (do also subscribe to our YouTube channel for more meaningful videos!):

But what if one lives in 2020…

…and another lives in 1990?

This happens.

Yes, for the first time since smartphones become the new weapon, it’s been tossed away by someone who prefers a traditional fight.

Quarrel in Hawker Centre So Intense That Guy Tossed Away a Phone

A video of two people quarrelling in front of a hawker stall has gone massively viral, clocking well over 2.3k shares in less than 10 hours.

In the video that purportedly happened in Pasir Panjang Hawker Centre, it shows two people quarrelling but even if you understand Hokkien, you won’t be able to determine what sparked the argument since they’re shouting about a certain male body part and the issue of CB (not Circuit Breaker…the other CB).

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One of them appears to be a nearby stallholder (known to netizens as the duck rice stallholder) and has his mask down. He did, however, mentioned about people queuing in Hokkien.

Certain people claim the guy in white had cut queue while others suggest that the guy might have stood in front of the stallholder’s place while queuing for another stall.

Whatever it is, the argument escalated but everyone’s focus is this guy in grey.

He appears to be a happy man who can finally dine in after 2.5 months of cold bak kut teh.


But in the later part of the video, he stepped forward not just to film the hulkified stallholder, but to film him in such close proximity that you’d wonder if they’re long-lost lovers who haven’t seen each other for 2.5 months.

The stallholder was already in rage mode, and that caused him to hit the phone, sending the phone flying two tables away as he shouted, “What are you doing!?”

The guy in grey then just coolly said, “It’s my phone” and slowly retrieved his phone to check whether it was still working…and it appeared so.


Yes, I’d love to know what phone that is, too.

Some People Called out the Guy in White

While the so-called “duck rice stallholder” has been condemned for his temper, quite a number of people have gone online to call out the guy in white, claiming that he’s well-known for cutting queues there.


But seriously, we’re all just curious about that guy in grey—what the heck was he thinking? Someone said that the guy in grey is a friend of the guy in white.

One person summed it up nicely:



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