HDB Flat Design That Looks Like a Construction Site is Like a Renovation That is Done Halfway

Have you ever walked past a construction site and thought damn, I wish my house looked like that?

Reader: Uh, not reall-

Always wanted a living room that looked like the inside of a concrete block?

Reader: What? Why the heck would I wan-

Would you like stray cats to come into your house every night because it looks like an unfinished BTO flat?

Reader: I’m really confused right now.

Well, one interior designer can now make your dreams come true!

HDB Flat Design That Looks Like a Construction Site is Like a Renovation That is Done Halfway

With HDB flats getting smaller, space is precious, and homeowners will do anything possible to make their home look more roomy.

This includes incorporating a minimalist style, which strips the house of superfluous elements, colors, shapes, and textures and leaves a sleek but spacious looking house behind.

Not only does it look more spacious, but it’s also much more affordable.

Creatology Design Studio, however, might have taken things too far.

In a post on Facebook, the interior design firm shared their very Singaporean take on an “industrial style” design.

Image: Facebook (Creatology Design Studio)

As you can see, this isn’t your typical home layout. The room is as bare as Changi Airport right now, with modest furnishings.

Maybe a little too modest?

The floor, walls, and even ceiling all have a concrete finish, and there’s even the familiar “Danger – Keep Out!” sign, which is very modern-chic-constructionalist.

What is particularly impressive, though, is how astoundingly unimpressive the furniture is.

There are two plastic chairs and one stool, and a coffee table that is literally a slab of glass over two tyres.

Image: Facebook (Creatology Design Studio)

While there are some nice ‘opulent’ additions like the blue curtain and fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling, the rest of the home is just as unostentatious as the living room.

If you were to head to the bedroom, which is two steps from the living room, you’d notice the bed is simply a mattress on the floor with an elegant zinc sheet for a headboard.

In addition to traditional bed frames and coffee tables, a conventional wardrobe was also thrown out the window for this industrialist design, leaving behind simple rusty poles for you to hang your clothes.

Some may balk at such a design, because it seems too simple, too unadorned, too construction-site-like to call home.

But what Creatology Design Studio is trying to do is to bring us back to a simpler time, a time when one valued companionship and togetherness instead of shiny possessions and luxurious furniture.

A time when the first thing one noticed upon entering a house were the smiles of its inhabitants, and not the furnishings that filled their space.

A time when- okay I can’t do this anymore.

Relax Lah, It’s A Joke

This wasn’t actually a design proposed by Creatology Design Studio, but a meme that they shared in good humour.

Netizens certainly enjoyed their post; some even offered suggestions on how to add to the under-construction vibe.

Image: Facebook (Creatology Design Studio)

Not everyone got the joke, however.

Image: Facebook (Creatology Design Studio)

While a sense of humour is not exactly the first thing you look for in an interior designer for your home, Creatology Design Studio has certainly won over many netizens with their gag.