Someone in Woodlands Turned a HDB Lift Lobby into a Personal Gym

With a lacklustre economic outlook for this year, many are thinking of ways to reduce their expenditure.

For some, it involves cutting down on (essentials) such as bubble teas. For others, it means having your own training equipment at home to save on gym membership.

While saving some kaching on gym membership, you can also blast your own music while sweating it out in total privacy at home.

For a particular resident, the meaning of privacy is redefined as the whole gym was displayed outside the lift lobby.

Gym Equipment Outside Lift Lobby at Woodlands

Photos of the gym set up were shared on Stomp by a fellow resident of the block, located at Block 621 Woodlands Drive 52.

Image: Stomp

Many gym equipment was placed at the lift lobby, resulting in little space for people to manoeuvre around the common area.

According to a resident, the gym set up has been around for two months.

Town Council Notified; Informed Resident to Remove Gym Equipment from Lift Lobby

According to a spokesperson from Sembawang Town Council, several notices were issued to the owner to remove the items from the lift lobby.

The town council also sent down an officer to speak with the resident, and to assist in the removal of the set up.

The owner was cooperative in removing the gym equipment.

The lift lobby was cleared yesterday, 28 October. Some of the gym equipment was placed by the side of the lobby to prevent obstruction.

Image: Stomp

Similar Incident Occurred Last Year

For those who recalled, a ‘step’ fish tank at the ground floor of Blk 415 Tampines Street 41, appeared in the news last year.

The fish tank was built on the staircase located outside the owner’s unit.

Image: Facebook (Aqua Lush)

The tank was a highlight to the residents living around the vicinity. People dropped by to marvel at the fish tank and the architecture of it.

According to residents, the mini aquarium has been around for years.

However, there were debates as to whether such structures can be placed at public spaces.

In January 2019, the Housing Development Board (HDB) stated that the owner could not keep the fish tank due to safety reasons.

The owner subsequently filed for an appeal to both the HDB and the Ministry of National Development (MND) to keep the tank.

However, his appeals were rejected.

One of the reasons for the rejection was due to the fact that the stairway area outside the unit is common property. As such, any fixed installations by flat owners have to be confined within the premises of their unit, and not placed on common property.

Under the town council’s by-laws, it is an offence to have unauthorised fixtures on common property.

In April 2019, the fish tank was dismantled and removed by the owner.