Here Are The Differences Between a Bachelor in Arts and a Bachelor in Science

Last Updated on 2023-03-13 , 10:38 am

Both Bachelor of the Arts and Bachelor of the Science are undergraduate degrees offered in universities.

So where do the differences really lie, except for their names?

Here are the quick facts to consider before making a decision.

Scope VS Depth

Generally speaking, Bachelor of the Arts (BA) focuses more on the scope of learning and the Bachelor of the Science (BS) focuses more on the depth in the major.

BA provides students with extended knowledge across different fields especially those outside of their major. BS, on the other hand, focuses more on in-depth study in majors like Science and Psychology.

Types of subjects

Different universities offer different courses and different calculation systems. For example, NUS uses the Modular System and NTU uses the Academic Unit System.

Either way, there would be a difference in the core classes and electives to choose from, or different MC (Modular Credits)/AU (Academic Unit) awarded for subjects.

For example, BA in a science major may include other subjects like language while BS would focus on Science and Mathematics subjects.

Future Prospective

Where you go on after graduation is also an important consideration when you consider between Bachelor in the Arts and Bachelor of Science.

Students taking BA usually joins the workforce after graduation and their training in general courses help them to be well-rounded individuals ready for different challenges. If they do plan for further studies, they may join another field like law or business.

Students taking BS would be the ones planning for further studies, specializing in their field. For example, they may plan to get a graduate degree or go to a medical school, staying within the Science field.

Career Prospective

Simply put it, Bachelor of Arts means knowing about the field across different industries while Bachelor of the Science means knowing all there is to know within the specific industry.

In that case, BA graduates may not join the industry of their major. For instance, someone with a BA in Psychology may even be into journalism or counselling, requiring only the foundation of their major.

Someone with a BS would more likely to stay within the field and take up jobs in research or biology.

Conclusion: Making a choice

So how do you choose between a BA or BS path? Understand the kind of learner you are. If you enjoy analysing and lab experiments, and are good with Science and Mathematics, BS may be the path for you. If you have a wide interest, look for a BA course for a foundation in a field that would be useful for your career in any field.

Of course, your choice has always got to depend on your interest lah.