Here’s a new development about the distance-based ERP that’ll make you smile a little

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:43 pm

Many of us have probably heard about the upcoming distance-based ERP system by this time. Singaporeans are all talking/discussing/complaining (as usual) about the amount of injustice they are already suffering from the current high ERP charges, and how they will continue to suffer even more in years to come. We really want to tell these complainers – just take public transport lah – no congestion, no ERP! However, there has been a new development that may stave off some complaints for a while.

On 14th March, our Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan addressed some concerns and questions on the new ERP system. Although the system will have island-wide coverage, not every single road will be monitored. He stated that the current intention is only to price congested roads.

Furthermore, the charges will only be based on distance travelled on the congested road itself. So if you only need to make a 300m journey before turning into a side road, then that’s good news for you. The Minister mentions that this distance-based charging system would be “fairer” to motorists.  However, motorists who are going to a building at the end of a main road might be in for an unpleasant time.

However, it was also mentioned that the details are still not set in stone yet. People like taxi drivers and delivery businesses may be unfairly affected by this system, so more still has to be done on the research regarding the workings of the new system. There may be adjustments to the existing annual road tax or COE, but it is still too early to say for sure.

We are pretty sure that Singaporeans will complain no matter what, so long as it has something to do with their money. What do you think about the proposed ERP system after this new development?