Here’s how to know whether someone is ignoring your friend request and why it doesn’t matter!


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:54 pm

I’m sure we’ve all been there. We send out a friend request on Facebook only for it to be left collecting cyber-dust with the rest of our sent friend requests that have ‘yet’ to be accepted.

Some of us who are left hanging by this phenomena of establishing a digital friendship start to suffer from paranoia. “Why isn’t she accepting my friend request? It’s been a week!” “Is there something wrong with me? Doesn’t he like me?” “I thought we really hit it off last week but why is she not accepting my friend request?”

Don’t forget those who are in denial, “Maybe he forgot to accept? Or he didn’t see the request.” “Maybe I should resend the friend request just in case.” Yes, pretty much like that.

It’s time to stop scratching your heads over the matter and accept the reality that your friend requests is being ignored for real. Here’s a way to find out that you’re ignored and that it’s just not meant to be:

Step #1:
On your Facebook, go to the “Friend requests” tab and click on “View all” found at the bottom. When you’re directed to a new page, click the “View sent requests”.

Step #2:
Take time to observe those so-called friends on your pending friend request list. If they’ve been there for some time, that’s because they’re literally ignoring your friend request. On purpose. Pending = Ignored.

Step #3:
Show some dignity by hovering your cursor on the “Friend request sent” of a particular ‘friend’. Then, click the “Cancel request” option and when the message “Are you sure you want to cancel this friend request?” pops up, select “Hell yeah! Cancel request” and feel the weight of the world lifted from your shoulders.

Step #4:
Repeat step #3 for all other perpetual pending friend requests.

Just like a high-five left hanging, having our friend requests ignored is embarrassing and can bruise our pride. However, realize that there’s a reason for everything, including an ignored friend request. If that person doesn’t want to befriend you on Facebook, it’s not your loss, it’s the person’s! Realize that these people are missing out on all your awesomeness and move the hell on. You deserve better!

However, you need to consider different circumstances though. Maybe the person is no longer active in the Facebook universe and forgot to deactivate their account (trust me, Social Media Detox is real!). Or maybe (touch wood), the person you had attempted to establish a friendship with had passed away without your knowledge which is an incredibly devastating scenario but not impossible nonetheless.

Top Image: nevodka /