Here’s the main reason why we should never fall too deeply in love with our partners


Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 11:29 am

Falling in love is pretty much a train-wreck and paradise rolled into one. You might know that she’s the one the moment you lay your eyes on her. And we all know how we ladies take ages before we figure out that he’s the man to be with.

But is it really all and good, falling deeply in love? Do we know where to draw the line between love and everything else?

There’s one main reason why you should always take a step back if you feel you’re being blinded by love: it’s when you ignore all the small and big flaws that come with your partner simply because you’re too head-over-heels for them.

I’m talking about stuff like how he spends too much time on football and FIFA16 instead of helping out around the house. He hasn’t emptied the garbage since yesterday, and takes the fact that you do the laundry for granted.

You, on the other hand, forgive her for the 50th time when she doesn’t close the tab on your toothpaste. You also allow her to buy yet another dress on Zalora. And then there’s that thing which she got from Groupon that’s just lying around in the room.

A relationship takes work, and in order to make it work, the most important thing is communication. It’s completely alright to vent out and talk about the frustrations that both of you have about each other. It also allows you to understand each other better, and not take one another for a ride.

Trust is another thing that’s on the table. When you’re in a relationship, you will need to be open about your past relationships. Talk about your exes as much as it hurts to bring up the past. If you ever encounter your ex or hers, it’d be easier to tide it over as both of you know what has happened.

Also, don’t hold such high expectations on your partner. I mean this in a totally good way. It’s as if you put her on a pedestal, and the moment she actually does something wrong, your senses feel like the world has crashed down.

She’s human, just like you. So live and love, and learn to accept each other.

The one thing that brought the two of you together is love, and if you’re willing to adjust to one another’s flaws and help improve yourselves, you’re in for a wonderful relationship that might just last a lifetime.

Top Image: elwynn /