Woman Seen Hoarding Freebies from Free Sample Vending Machine in AMK


A long time ago, when Morgan Freeman was still creating humans, he ran into a distinct dilemma.

“Singaporeans? How should I make them?”

After a period of thought, he went to the nearest God-11 convenience store and got himself a medley of pretty impressive products.

“Alright, here goes a bit of capability…”

He adds in two scoops of it into a Daiso-made cauldron.

“And perhaps a bit of success…”

He adds in three scoops of it.

“Oh, and a distinct accent to distinguish them from the rest.”

He adds in ten scoops of it.

“And last but not least, a little competitive spirit to get them moving… OH SHIT NO, STEVEN LIMMMM!”

For out of nowhere, a wild caveman with a distinct six pack had emerged, and in his curiosity, swept the entire carton of ‘Kiasu Spirit’ into the cauldron.

“Teehee,” he guffawed, before he ran back to the nearest tree branches to do swinging pull-ups.

Meanwhile, Morgan Freeman could only look on in disbelief.

“Now what?” he uttered, before sighing.

“Ah well, I’m sure it’s not as bad as it looks…”

Woman Seen Hoarding Freebies from Free Sample Vending Machine in AMK

But apparently, eons after the first Singaporean was made…


It’s might really be as bad as it looks.

According to StompStomp contributor Lee had been passing by AMK Hub shopping mall when she witnessed something right out of a Money No Enough movie:

A woman filling her supermarket baskets with nothing but samples from a vending machine.

And for the record, her daughter was right there with her.

Image: STOMP

The incident occurred on Tuesday (29 September), at around 8:00 p.m.


Lee told Stomp: “This woman, who was with a younger girl believed to be her daughter, was signing in and out of multiple accounts for the Auntie Sam vending machine.”

Apparently, Auntie Sam dispenses the first sample for free.

And the woman was certainly quick to abuse the distinct loophole here.

So much so that it was taking the entire red basket to contain the samples alone.

“They had so many samples that they had to put all the samples into their red basket!” exclaims the Stomper.

“I was shocked that the woman would do this in front of her daughter. She could have done it on her own, without her kid there.”


At this point, the Stomper asks whether it’s right for such an act to be committed in front of a child.

“It really isn’t right to take samples by the basket, let alone in front of the child. What values are being inculcated in the child?

“Everything should be done in moderation. There’s no need to be so kan chiong and even get the kid involved in this sample-taking-experience-by-the-basket lah.”

“By The Basket”

According to the report, it was the first time the Stomp contributor was witnessing such a scene.

However, it seems that the process is not that hard to replicate.


“If I remember correctly, you don’t need your IC,” said Lee. “You just use your phone number and/or social media accounts will do.”

Apparently, Auntie Sam is a relatively new addition to the vending machine scene, with treats such as chips, cereal and even Carlsberg beer available in the machine.

However, only the first sample is free.

Image: Stomp

It should be noted that users can also choose to pay $0.99 for three samples, or stack points to purchase tokens, which can be utilised to redeem more goodies.

Image: Stomp

You can check out Auntie Sam’s website and Facebook page for further information.


In the end, we do not know the woman’s story. We also do not know the actual reasons behind her actions.

And so, it may be more appropriate to hear out the woman’s side of the story before delivering a final ‘verdict’.


But if it’s indeed an act that’s driven by nothing else but a homely, trademark ‘kiasu’ spirit…

Well, let’s just say that Morgan Freeman really screwed up the mixture big time.

Image: reactiongifs.com