If you want to live, you shouldn’t put these on your car dashboard

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:54 pm

We all have all kinds of things on our car dashboard: from tissue boxes to soft toys. Some of us like to put some decorations, because during a jam, we’ll have at least something to look at.

But here’s the thing: while they may enhance the appearance of your interior and also serve as a conversation starter, putting hard objects on your car dashboard is actually very dangerous.

While there’s no law about this, I just need you to imagine this: you’ve a few car toy models on your dashboard, and think they look so cute on your car. You’ve placed a mat below them, so they won’t move around as you go up and down a hump.

Then one day, you got into an accident—the seatbelt managed to keep you safe from the impact, but you see a few toy cars flying towards you as projectiles in speed that you could never imagine.

Imagine them cutting your throat.

Those toy models that you think are cute have just killed you.

And it’s as real as it gets.

This is precisely the reason why, if you really want to decorate your car dashboard, choose soft objects like soft toys instead. If you get into an accident, at least you’ll have soft toys as projectiles, and soft toys can’t cut you.

So, if you have hard objects on your car dashboard, or have friends who have them, remove them immediately. If not, make sure they won’t fly out—because these innocent looking things could well be murderous.