Image of M’sia Police Using S’pore Actor as Recruitment Poster is Actually Fake News

By now, most of you should have seen the viral image of a Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) recruitment ad on social media. Apparently, the ad featured a Singaporean actor, Elvin Ng, wearing a Singaporean police uniform. The image of Elvin Ng was taken from Mediacorp’s police drama series C.L.I.F. 3 back in 2014.

Ironically enough, Elvin Ng was playing a lazy cop in the show.

If you’ve been living in a cave, here’s the image:

Image: Facebook (Jawatan Kosong Kerajaan)

As a result, netizens have commented on and mocked the Malaysian police force for allegedly using a lazy screengrab of a man who wasn’t even a police officer or even Malaysian. Some of you may even have joined in the fun.

However, this viral image has since been revealed as a hoax, confirmed by PDRM corporate communications head Asmawati Ahmad, on Malaysian news outlet Free Malaysia Today (FMT).

“Why do we need actors, when we have a strong 130,000 personnel in the police force,” she told FMT. She also said the idea of using a Singaporean actor in their ads was nonsensical and ridiculous, further proving that we probably shouldn’t jump to conclusions when we see something dumb on the internet.

Actually, just think about it: firstly, the post wasn’t even made by PDRM, but a Facebook Page Jawatan Kosong Kerajaan. Secondly, even after thousands of comments, the Page has not taken the image down. Thirdly, and most importantly, the Page even pinned the image on the top of their Page, as if they’re proud that it had gone viral for the wrong reason.

However funny the fake ad was, and however much fun was had from joking about this, it turned out that this was merely a bad joke and a hoax, in addition to a piece of fake news made viral by social media.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Jawatan Kosong Kerajaan)

This article was first published on

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