If you’re ever in Japan, you cannot leave without trying this Instagram-worthy dish—noodles in ice cube bowls


Last Updated on 2016-06-23 , 12:26 pm

Just when we thought we couldn’t find more reasons to go to the land of the rising sun—other than to view the sakura trees during their blooming season, to enjoy their sushi and sashimi, and another one thousand and one reasons—we found yet another reason to visit Japan in the near future.

According to rocketnews24, the restaurant is Tempura Matsu, located in a traditional building alongside the river in the Arashiyama region of Kyoto and it is definitely worth a visit from you in the future.

This photo of Tempura Matsu is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Inaniwa Udon
Or more specifically, this beautiful piece of artwork they call food—noodles served in ice cube bowls, which are made painstakingly for you. 

Image: Instagram (little_meg_siu_meg)

Their inaniwa udon is a hit both for its taste and its appearance. The melting ice serves to infuse the broth with some icy water as it melts.

Noodles vary in between seasons

Japanese culinary place a lot of importance on seasonal elements, and their sakura cherry blossom udon is a huge hit with customers as well.

And it’s not just ice-bowls

If you thought that the concept of ice bowl is the only attractive part, you’re wrong. They’re well-known for more than just noodles in ice cube bowls.

And it doesn’t hurt that the view’s great too!

This photo of Tempura Matsu is courtesy of TripAdvisor

So if you happen to be in the area, you should definitely check this place out. Let us know how it turned out for you, yeah?

Address: Kyoto-fu, Kyoto-shi, Ukyo-ku, Umezu Onawabacho 21-26
京都府 京都市右京区 梅津大縄場町 21-26
Hours: 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m./5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (closed Wednesdays)

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com