Inconsiderate Man Caught On Car Camera Leaving Soiled Diaper On Innocent Driver’s Car


Cars in Singapore are expensive. So, when you return to your car after a nice lunch with your family and find scratches on the sides, it’s not unreasonable to suddenly develop homicidal tendencies.

But what if you find a used diaper on your car?

One Man’s Car Is Another Man’s Trashcan

On Saturday (24 August 2019), Jonathan Lee posted a video on Facebook showing a driver in the Tampines Mall carpark leaving a soiled diaper on his car.

The video starts off with the driver placing his baby’s stroller in the boot of his car. A woman in the car, presumably his wife, then hands him a used diaper.

Image: Facebook (Jonathan Lee)

The man then closes the boot, looks around suspiciously like a murderer in a movie, and throws the soiled diaper on Lee’s car.

Just before he gets into his car, the man turns back and freezes, realizing Lee’s car has a dashboard camera.

But the inconsiderate driver flees the scene anyway, hoping Lee wouldn’t notice a huge poop-filled diaper on his bonnet.

Here’s the full video:

Netizens’ response

Netizens were as outraged as Lee, calling the man’s behaviour “inconsiderate” and “disgusting”.

Image: Facebook (Jonathan Lee)
Image: Facebook (Jonathan Lee)

Others were baffled as to why the thoughtless driver chose to dump his baby’s diaper on Lee’s bonnet in a huge carpark.

Image: Facebook (Jonathan Lee)
Image: Facebook (Jonathan Lee)

It certainly is puzzling, considering the amount of space and dustbins available. Why couldn’t he just leave it on the floor like a regular litterer? (Goody Feed does not condone leaving soiled diapers on floors or any form of littering)

Or, you know, dispose of it in the rubbish bin like a good citizen.

As Lee says, behaviour like this should be publicly shamed:

“If u want to do such disgusting things, make sure no one is around. In this case, ur luck ran out coz u met me. You want to be famous? Let’s make u famous.”


Famous he certainly is. Be careful where you park your cars from now on, because The Diaper Man of Tampines might just get you.