A Restaurant in India Sells Mask-Shaped Pratas to Spread a Message

As much of a global disaster as the COVID-19 pandemic, it is also proving to be an opportunity for businesses to showcase their creativity.

Months earlier, we had seen Burger King in Singapore give out crowns to promote social distancing.

In an effort to raise awareness of the pandemic and its safety measures, businesses worldwide are undertaking measures of sheer ingenuity.

Potential PR and free advertising help too.

Edible Masks in India

Well, they’re not actual masks.

But a restaurant chain in Madurai, India is now selling their parottas in the shape of face masks.

And the people are loving it.

Patrons have started to spread the word on Twitter and it’s hitting the headlines everywhere.

Imagine that. You can wear it as a mask all day and once you’re home, just eat it instead of taking it off. That’s the dream.

jk, don’t do that. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work as an actual mask.

Spreading A Message

Reader Bao: But wait, is making mask-shaped parottas a business-savvy thing to do? Does it make more money?

Well, it’s not about money.

Image: Gfycat

According to an interview with the owner, he said that he “wanted to do something from our end to raise awareness about face covers”, especially after people were getting caught and fined for flouting the rules.

To bring this step further, they even provide a free face mask to those who come to the restaurant without one.

Kudos, indeed.

Well, their efforts are indeed paying off, as the business is booming to the extent they were forced to alter their opening hours due to the insane demand. He also said that “phones have not stopped ringing ever since pictures of the parotta went viral on social media“.

Well, I’d say this is well-deserved business.

Parottas vs Parathas vs Pratas

In case you thought we were being super fancy and using the spelling ‘parotta’ instead of ‘prata’, here’s a Goody Fact for you: they’re actually different things.

A roti prata is a Southeast Asian dish, so if you try to look for it in India, you probably never will. However, its roots can be traced back to the parotta (and by extension, maybe the paratha too).

While a paratha, parotta, and prata sound similar, they’re all different foods.

Image: those-who-serve.com

The main difference between a parotta and a paratha is the flour used, as the former uses maida flour, which has a higher gluten percentage.

They look so extremely similar that in fact, even after some research, I cannot really differentiate them visually.

Image: Michelin

Is this a parotta or a paratha? I have no idea.

But basically the former is silkier and doughier while the latter looks more like a flakier and chewier form of chapati.

Reader Bao: But what’s a Chapati? Naan? Puri? Bhatura? Bhakri?

Oh god, this will never end.

Now that you’re done knowing about the difference between prata and parotta, you might as well just watch our latest video whereby we simplify what TraceTogether is here: