Netizen Sees Sponsored Ad of an Influencer Online Shaming Her Ex-BF


The negative karma for cheating is pretty high. Especially in this day and age, you don’t want to incur the wrath of the internet.

And what if, you happened to be cheating on someone who knew how cheap and easy it is to buy an advertisement on social media? Like… a nano or micro-influencer?

Other people will start getting advertisements like this:

Just in case you don’t see it, lemme zoom in for you:

The post got 1.8K reactions and more than 4K shares as of writing. Other netizens were impressed by the means used to expose the influencer’s ex-boyfriend, but some also pointed out that the poster must have done something to be targeted by the ad.

Image: Facebook
Image: Facebook

But the poster aside, the influencer’s story of her ex-boyfriend cheating is rather juicy.

Image: Giphy

Transcript of the Ad

All the following screenshots were found in a Facebook comment. A summary can be found at the bottom.

Lies after lies.
Over and over again.
You made me feel like I was never enough.
When there was another girl all along.

While time would heal my wounds, the scar will always remain.
And I may even forgive but I will never forget.

I’ve never talked about it, but here we go

‘There’s a signing this week.’
‘I need to work on the weekends.’
I always believed them.
You are an auditor anyways.

‘He’s a nice guy.’
‘He’s not that type of person.’
That’s what everyone says.
Your friends, your colleagues.


We belong to completely different cliques of friends.
You went overseas with her a week after our trip to Cebu.
I asked you in September why were the messages sent to you a single tick.
There was no reply on that.
You mentioned your phone had network issues.
Everyone said I was paranoid.
Was I really?

I rmbed asking your colleague if you were overseas.
He said you were on vacay.
I thought yeah, it was with me.
Now I know.
It wasn’t.

You must have realized it’s impossible to split your time between both of us.
And your conscience started creeping in.
Because out of the blue, you told me we didn’t connect.
You told me I didn’t trust you.
You told me I was insecure.
As if my insecurities weren’t enough, you had to add salt to the wound.

Do you rmb I asked if you were seeing someone else.
Many times.
The answer was always no.
‘I don’t have the time to text anyone else.’
That’s what you said.


Nov – You were still ‘busy’. We didn’t meet as often.
Why was it so easy for you?
Where were the missing puzzle pieces when I needed them.

Do you know how many sleepless nights I had second guessing myself?
Scrolling back to the conversations we had?
Was it my fault?
Am I not understanding enough?
Why aren’t you telling me stuff anymore?
Who are you spending your weekends with?
‘My friends’ was always the answer.

Dec – You’ve been texting. A lot.
But who?
Couldn’t make out her name as you tried to hide it.
‘I should trust him right?’
‘He said he’s not seeing someone else.’

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But everytime we’re out, it’s her.
This time, I see it.
She’s familiar.

Jan – It was never to be found out.
The overseas picture is on her fb but not yours.
That was 4 months ago.
I felt faint.
I thought you were busy?

Then it all started to make sense.
The single tick.
Your brief replies.
Your excuses.
The disrespect.
And you never once apologized.


Feb – Are you going out with her now?
‘Not really.’

You never know much you could hurt someone.
Till you see it with your own eyes.
I collapsed and it was excruciating.
It was the kind of pain that permeates down to the heart.
You know very well how that feels.
Why would you do it to me?

I thought she was nice.
An inspirational leader.
Having Youths to lead.
Awakened to a mission.
To live life to the fullest with hope, wisdom, courage and compassion.
Where was your compassion when we spoke.
She said.
Move on, others were feeling more pain than what I was going through.
That self righteousness.
That obsession.
The number of documents I went through.
For my house to be settled.
Do you want to be responsible for that?

Both of you went on your merry pathway.
Much hypocrisy.


While rock bottom.
Was where I went.

Apr – There was more.
I guess I will never know the complete picture.
She was there during the Taiwan trip last December.
The one you said you were going with your friends.
‘Your friends.’

I called you.
To return whatever left in your home.
You said.
‘I hope you’re okay’
I thought I was getting better.
But after the call, I cried myself to sleep.

Ppl said I lost weight.
They don’t know.
The tears I’ve shed.
How many meals I’ve missed.
I sold my house for you.
I’ve given you everything.
In return, you’re not really mine.

To your statement,
I’m not okay.
Neither can I put up a brave front anymore.

A Summary

Influencer’s boyfriend claimed to always be busy and didn’t spend a lot of time with her. Ex-bf claimed to have spent time with ‘friends’.

Ex-bf’s friends and colleagues say he’s not the kind of person to cheat. Influencer doubted herself.


Until finding a photo on Facebook of a girl overseas with the ex-bf. The photo wasn’t found on ex-bf’s facebook. The girl was a familiar face to the influencer, and the influencer thought she was “nice” and an “inspirational leader”.

That girl was also on a Taiwan trip with her ex-bf, that he claimed was with his ‘friends’ with an S.

Ex-bf later broke up with the influencer, saying they didn’t connect. Girl apparently told influencer that others feel more pain than what the influencer went through.

The influencer is… not okay

She had lost weight and missed many meals, and even sold her house for her ex-bf. She left the ad with the sentence

To your statement,
I’m not okay.
Neither can I put up a brave front anymore.”

Image: Giphy


A check on the influencer shows that her focus is on food and travel, and at this moment, she has about 8.5k followers on Instagram. And in her latest image, everyone was talking about this breakup.


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