Innocent Jogger Knocked Down by PMD & Suffered Brain Injury While Running Near MBS

Last Updated on 2019-03-25 , 9:13 am

Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs), Power Assisted Bicycles (PABs) and E-scooters are the talk of the town.

But unfortunately, they are all for the wrong reason.

Like this “E-Scooter Beating Red Light Crashed into PMD rider, Allegedly Resulting In Threats & Broken Ribs” case or this “Youth Accidentally Knocked Down Woman With PMD Took Full Responsibility With Remorse” news.

In a nutshell, PMDs and the likes appear to be a real and present danger for all pedestrians, cats and donkeys alike, on our otherwise lawful Singapore roads.

Image: Giphy

One such incident took place last year on 9 June 2018, along an otherwise random footpath near the glitzy and wholly decadent Marina Bay Sands.

The Incident

On June 9 2018, Joven Heng Gin How, who was trying out a power-assisted bicycle (PAB) for the very first time, ended up riding into a jogger on the footpath, causing him brain injury, according to this Stomp report.

Image: Gifer (An example of a PAB.)

The report added that Joven “had reached a speed of about 40kmh when he piled into Mr Chua Kok Soon, bringing the pair of them to the ground near Marina Bay Sands.”

Due to the collision, Mr Chua, 37, suffered wounds to his left elbow and right knee as well as bleeding on the brain.

Joven was apparently travelling at 40kmh when he spotted two joggers ahead of him.

He had successfully overtaken the first jogger and was attempting to overtake the second one when the victim veered to the right.

According to  Deputy Public Prosecutor Kenneth Chin: “The accused tried to brake but was not able to stop in time. The PAB ridden by the accused skidded from braking and collided into the victim from behind, hitting his legs, and both of them fell to the ground.”

Mr Chua was subsequently warded overnight for observation and was told not to take part in any physical activities for three months.

Court Considering Sentence

On Tuesday (March 19), Joven, 20, and now a full-time national serviceman, pleaded guilty in court to injuring Mr Chua by riding his PMD in a rash manner.

The article added that a “count of unlawfully riding the bike on a footpath will be considered during sentencing” with DPP Chin urging District Judge Eddy Tham for “a sentence of a short detention order of one week” as well as “a community service order (CSO)” for Joven.

According to Stomp, offenders under this order will be “put behind bars for a short time but will not have a criminal record after their release.”

Joven’s sentencing will take place on 16 April and he is currently out on a bail of $5, 000

For causing hurt through a rash act, he can be jailed for up to a year and fined up to $5,000.

Active Mobility Act (AMA)

With the growing threat of PMDs, PABs and E-scooters, the Singapore Government enacted the Active Mobility Act (AMA), which fully came into effect on 1 May 2018.

You can find the Act in full here.

Just so you know, while bicycles and even PMDs are allowed on footpaths, PABs specifically aren’t allowed on one.

In addition, all PABs should be approved and registered by LTA  and can only be ridden on a shared path up to a maximum speed on 25mkh.

You more find more information on this here.