Insect Sushi Does Exist & It is Apparently More Nutritious Than Normal Sushi

Last Updated on 2018-12-10 , 12:00 pm

There are some people who think that you can’t go wrong with sushi: it’s Japanese food, and the Japanese make the best-est food.

I mean, look at this.

Image: In Green /

It’s a perfect combination of visual and taste.

But like a wise man once said, “Nothing is impossible.”

Because ironic as it may sound, there are sushi that might just turn you off.


Tap away if you don’t want to lose your perfect impression of sushi.

Still here? Well, here you go.

Introducing…the insect sushi.


Well, I did warn you, didn’t I?

Now, let’s enjoy more of these:


I’m sorry for ruining your appetite.

Now, let’s try to figure out what the heck people were thinking when they create this delicacy made for hell.

It’s for a Recipe Book

I don’t know what’s worse: the fact that it so far doesn’t exist in real life (maybe it does; read on) or the fact that these creepy creations are part of a recipe book.

And it’s not a satire recipe book: it’s a real recipe book.

Written by Japanese chef Shoichi Uchiyama, the objective of the book is to lobby for the use of bugs as an alternative and sustainable protein source.

Now, despite its less-than-glamorous appearance, there’s a certain truth to that statement.

Proteins in Bugs

According to a study by Oxford University, researchers found that based on the weight of the food (e.g. 100g of crickets vs 100g of chicken), bugs apparently packed more “protein, energy, calcium and vitamins”.

In other words, they’re, for the lack of a better word, “healthier” than your conventional meats.

Suffice to say, the only reason people abstained from bug-eating is due to the visual: we’ve once tried eating them (seriously) and they actually taste…okay. Here’s a video of us streaming ourselves eating it (all in the name of content creation):

So, yeah. Eating bugs is perfectly okay. So far, everyone’s still alive (some of them are already that ugly before they ate the bugs, so the bugs didn’t make them ugly).

Insect Sushi Available in Thailand?

According to some very unverified sources, insect sushi is apparently available in Thailand.

We aren’t going to link them here since we cannot verify the authenticity of the sources, but anyone who has been to Thailand would know that they do sell insects as street food.

A colleague of mine have tried it before and said it tasted pretty awesome – that is, if you close your eyes and eat them.

So if anyone come across any insect sushi, do inform us.

We definitely won’t be trying them (despite us having tried eating cockroaches before), but given that our readers’ taste could be quite unique…we can help share it.

Just saying.