Woman Looking for Irresponsible Cyclist Who Caused Her Injuries on Punggol Park Connector

Last Updated on 2020-12-13 , 5:35 pm

It’s the end of a traumatic year and it may sound like a good idea to cycle around Singapore.  After all, what better way to take advantage of the cool weather? Some PCN routes even have dinosaurs and lights and it’s pretty cool.

But remember to be careful, and be responsible so no one needs to stay in bed this Christmas.

In a sort of “hit-and-run” fashion, an errant cyclist caused a lady to get into a bad accident, and fled the site without offering any assistance.

She has since taken to Facebook to share the incident and to look for witnesses.

What Happened

At around 9pm on Friday, 11 December, the victim was cycling with her husband along the Punggol park connector. The Punggol park connector runs from Punggol Promenade to Gerald Drive according to National Parks (NParks).

Image: Facebook

As the lady cycled along a narrow bridge, a fellow cyclist rode out from the opposite lane and cut into her right of way.

She avoided the collision but severely injured herself in the process.

Though she wore gloves and a helmet, she suffered from a concussion, temporary loss of consciousness and memory, bad head trauma and bruises on her right eye, face, elbows, hands and knees.

A Computed tomography (CT) scan revealed blood clots in her brain, which she hopes will subside like the doctor says. To top it off, her right eye remains unable to open at the point when she posted about the incident on Facebook.

Image: Facebook (Silver Hoe)

Appealing for Witnesses

Here’s the kicker: The “irresponsible cyclist” did not stop and help after the victim fell, which made her wonder if it was because he was “too scared when he saw me lying down motionless and no response” (which she rightly says is still inexcusable).

As she expressed, she can’t picture what would have happened if she was cycling alone.

The victim wrote the post on Facebook to complain and appeal for eyewitnesses of the incident, if there were any.

She is obviously and very justifiably slightly unhappy about all this, saying “I hate to say this, I can’t help but want to curse that idiot!”

Nevertheless, she ends the post with a PSA, asking all cyclists to cycle with “care and responsibility”.

“Keep left and stay in your lane! Be considerate and responsible because it is highly disgusting to run away without even stopping to check or offer any assistance!”

Featured Image: Facebook (Silver Hoe)