Irvins S’pore Teams Up With Pokemon To Launch Pikachu-Themed Products

Irvin’s Singapore sells one of the best salted egg chips you’ll ever taste.

Reader Bao: Hear, hear.

But doesn’t Irvins remind you of something else?

Reader Bao: Er…

What about the colour scheme?

Reader Bao: Oh! Bumblebee!

Let me give you another hint:

Image: Jetspree / Twitter

Reader Bao: Wait a goddamn minute-

Yup, and turns out, if you’ve been thinking this way too, your wildest dream has come true.

That is if you’ve always been dreaming of your favourite pokemon marrying your favourite chips.

Irvins S’pore Teams Up With Pokemon To Launch Pikachu-Theme Products

Yes, your favourite yellow and black pokemon has teamed up with your favourite yellow and black salted egg yolk chips.

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⚡The IRVINS | Pokémon Salted Egg Zig Zag Potato Chips project starts today! Electrifying project deets as follows:⁣ ⁣ 1️⃣ Brand new Pokémon-themed packaging for IRVINS Salted Egg Zig Zag Potato Chips⁣ IRVINS Salted Egg Zig Zag Potato Chips are here to bring you a whole new snacking experience – enjoy #ThickerCutBetterCrunch! Now available for purchase at all our cartels and our online store.⁣ ⁣ 2️⃣ Limited quantity premiums to be redeemed online and in-store⁣ • FREE Talking Pikachu Plushie (worth $38) with min. $65 spend* (online purchases only)⁣ • FREE IRVINS | Pokémon Totebag with min. $30 spend* (in-store purchases only)⁣ ⁣ * Purchase needs to include at least 1 IRVINS Salted Egg Zig Zag Potato Chips. T&Cs apply.⁣ ⁣ Let us know what you are most excited about in the comments below 🤩⁣ ⁣ Learn more:⁣ Shop now:⁣ ⁣ #DangerouslyAddictive #IRVINS #irvinsaltedegg #IRVINSPokémon #Pokémon #ThickerCutBetterCrunch

A post shared by IRVINS Salted Egg (@irvinsaltedegg) on

They are offering three Pikachu-themed products for this team-up:

Irvins Salted Egg Zig Zag Potato Chips⁣

Image: Irvins

This Zig Zag Potato Chips comes in two sizes: small (105g / $8) and big (230g / $16).

Because the chips are zig-zagged, expect each chip to hold more of that umami salted egg yolk crumbs every time you pick it up.


And the best part?

Prices are the same as their regular salted egg yolk potato chips.

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Talking Pikachu Plushie

If your dream is to have a real-life (sort of) Pikachu whisper sweet nothings into your ears, then you’re in luck.

Image: Irvins

Because all you have to do is to buy $65 worth of Irvins Salted Egg Yolk products (inclusive of at least one Irvins Salted Egg Zig Zag Potato Chips⁣) and you can redeem a talking Pikachu plushy worth $38.

No idea what it’ll say, though. Pika-pika, probably.

Pokémon Tote Bag

$65 too much for you?

You can get a well-designed Pikachu tote bag to bring around when Singapore returns “a new normal” and people are able to go out and have a life again.

Image: Irvins

The design is pretty nice and the Pikachu isn’t too small (based on the picture) so your friends can admire your new tote bag without breaking safe distancing rules.

That or just snap and send the picture to them.

Simply spend a minimum of $30 (inclusive of at least one Irvins Salted Egg Zig Zag Potato Chips⁣) and you’ll be able to redeem this bag.

All redemptions are limited to one per customer because they don’t want what happened to toilet rolls to happen to these Pikachu-theme products.

Get Irvins Delivered To Your Doorstep

It might be Phase One but we all know it’s an extension of #CB.

Instead of going out, you can opt to get delicious salted egg yolk chips and fish skin delivered to your doorstep.

Image: Irvins
  • For same-day delivery from 6pm – 10pm, place your orders before 9am.
  • For next day delivery, orders will have to be placed before 1pm.

You can choose between three delivery slots: 9am to 2pm, 2pm to 6pm or 6pm to 10pm.

Delivery fee varies based on the amount spent.

If you’re passing by any of their outlets:

  • Westgate #02-K3 (12pm – 7:30pm)
  • VivoCity #B2-K25 (12pm – 7:30pm)

You can also reserve your desired items for pick up.


Reader Bao: Bless you, now stop sneezing without wearing a mask.

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