Japanese Supermarket Made To Remove Father’s Day Drawing Supposedly By 5YO Child Cuz It’s Too Creepy

Kids aren’t the greatest artists.

Once when I was a kid, I had a friend who was called by the teachers about his inappropriate drawings for “what I want to be when I grow up”. This was a friend who had aspirations of growing an apple farm with his family.

When he came back, he said he was never drawing anything ever again.

Something about his apple farm with family drawing looking like he and his family surrounded by kukujiao.

I don’t know whether he owns an apple farm now, and I never saw the drawing, but what about me? My aspirations at that point were to become a mailman.

Yeah, a mailman.

The point I’m saying is: kids aren’t super smart and kind of don’t put too much effort into drawing stuff. So when you see shit like…

Source: ルイ Twitter


I mean, don’t be too alarmed by what you see from a children’s drawing.

Creepy Father’s day drawing with a message placed in a Japanese supermarket

On 12 June 2019, Twitter user ルイ (Rui) posted the following tweet, having seen the drawing in a Japanese supermarket.

It is supposed to be a Father’s day drawing by a 5-year-old, with the following message:



Source: ルイ Twitter

Or translated (by yours truly) to:

“To dad, thank you for always working so hard. Mother, hurry and come back okay?”

Ironically in order to debunk the fact that people are thinking too much into the drawing, I need to be the one thinking a lot more into the drawing.

There are some nuances that I’m not able to capture there:

  1. The first sentence explicitly shows the message is for the father with the particle “へ”. The second sentence isn’t quite clear the message is for who.
  2. I’m sure y’all know Ganbatte means “good luck” or “do your best”, but it also means to work hard or persevere. “がんばってくれて”, or Ganbattekurete, with the added “くれて” has the added connotation of “working hard for me or us”.
  3. The second sentence is pretty open to interpretation without context. It could be aimed at nobody in particular, or even be aimed at the mom. The more popular online translation is “Mother, please hurry back <3”, which I think changes the meaning a little by adding “please”.

There’s a hanged figure there on zooming in

The face is pretty obvious on first sight. Zooming in a little you’ll find the drawing more creepy with a hanged stick figure and fallen chair.

Source: ルイ Twitter

With a drawing and cryptic message like that, Twitter is, of course, losing its shit and going into full speculation mode.

But before you join in the speculation crowd, I once again remind you about the apple farm and mailman. Don’t project what you know about children scary drawings you see in movies to real life.

So, here are more facts on the case.

Subsequently removed by supermarket staff, drawing confirmed brought by a kid, but unknown artist

Rui later followed up with the tweet:

Which says that the drawing has been replaced by another, due to the number of concerned phone calls. The drawing was indeed brought by the kid, but it is unknown if the artist is an adult or the kid.

There are no signs of changes made to the drawings from CCTV footage, and the supermarket contacted the local city hall to know more about the kid.

Relax, scary pictures are nothing out of the normal

In a VICE article, Dr Luana Lewis clarifies that drawing scary shit isn’t anything special. “I wouldn’t draw any conclusions based on the drawings alone.”

“It would flag up for me that the child might have witnessed or been exposed to violence and I would ask about that. I would also wonder if the child was exposed to age-inappropriate programmes, etc. But I wouldn’t assume there was an emotional problem in the absence of other information or symptoms.”

More than likely, this is part of their rich imagination or something they might have seen somewhere.

Hmm. Where exactly can a kid in Japan find a big red face readily available?

Like, I don’t know, maybe this one?

Image: Giphy

For those who don’t watch anime: that’s Shingeki no Kyojin or Attack on Titan, a very popular anime that has titans going around eating people.

Netizen speculations

Netizens are very concerned for the kid, even asking if the kid is suffering from something at home.

Note that the second comment here says there is an “otsukare” = “thanks for the hard work”. That is factually wrong since there is no おつかれ in the drawing at all.

Image: Riki Ishiyama Facebook

The most popular comment in the tweet that got 14k likes:

Which is a theory, translated (by yours truly, again) to:

“This kid must have seen where the mother was hanged… But heard ‘mother will come back’ from his father and believed in that enough to write ‘hurry and come back okay’.

But, who was really the one to hang the mother

You know that already right?”

I like speculations more than the average person, so I’m not saying don’t speculate. Just please don’t go around spreading misinformation without fact checking or clarifying that what you have is a theory first.