Passers-By Used an Umbrella Tied to Poles With a USB Cable to Save Cat in Canal


With surging COVID-19 cases and the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, it can be hard to look past the bleakness of life.

But this video deserves a spot in the ‘Top 10 Most Wholesome Moments’ list, and reminds us that there’s always good in humanity even in the darkest of times.

Man Tried To Rescue Cat Trapped in Canal Using Dustpan

In the Facebook group Good for you Singapore, a member shared this wholesome moment they witnessed.

The member, Jessica, and her husband were passing by the canal at Jalan Besar Community Centre when they spotted a man trying to rescue a cat trapped in the canal, using a dustpan.

From the video, we can see that the fence lining the perimeter of the canal had a pretty wide gap along the ground. The poor cat had probably accidentally fallen in, and couldn’t get back out.

More People Joined In To Help, Found Success in Umbrella Tied To Poles With a USB Cable

Heartwarmingly, more and more people joined in to help reduce the cat. More items were added to modify the dustpan.

The group of kind Samaritans eventually found success in using an umbrella tied to poles with a USB cable. A bizarre combination, but proof that Singaporeans are resourceful.

Jessica had also shared a video she took of the successful attempt at rescuing the cat. You can see many passers-by cheering the rescuers on, and the two main rescuers had even climbed over the fence to get a better hold of the cat.

In the video, you can see one rescuer scooping the cat up with an umbrella, and another man making sure the cat doesn’t slip off using a net. The poor feline was meowing loudly throughout the entire process, understandably frightened.

There was a round of applause and cheers when the cat was safely deposited onto the ground. You can hear the cat’s meows getting softer while it readjusts to the ground, presumably calming down.

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Every Life Matters, No Matter How Big or Small

Indeed, as the Facebook post said, “Every life matters, no matter how big or small.”

Many Facebook comments also showed their appreciation to the group of people for going out of their way to rescue a cat in need. This was especially because it was a stray cat, which many people would have ignored.

The cat is apparently also very well known around Jalan Besar, and many were glad to see the cat safe and unharmed.

Once again, we applaud the kind residents for their compassion and bravery. All the cats typing away at Goody Feed has their faith in humanity restored. But can we check why our third breakfast of wet food is not served yet?

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Featured Image: Facebook (Good for you Singapore)
