Jennifer Aniston’s Secret To Youthful Appearance Is Not Eating AKA Intermittent Fasting

Everyone knows Jennifer Aniston. Well, at least everyone who watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S should.

Image: TV Series Finale

And even though many years have passed and a lot of things have changed, her looks haven’t.

P.S. She’s actually 50 years old. Personally, she doesn’t look a day over 40.

Image: BeTrendsetter

And so, you must be wondering: how does she manage to pull this off? Is it some secret magic potion? Does she regularly ingest a vial of youth elixir? Is it her team of dieticians and gourmet chefs? Is it Bread Pig?

No, no and…no.

As it turns out, her ‘secret’ isn’t as elusive as we thought it would be.

Jennifer Aniston’s Secret To Youthful Appearance Is Not Eating Through Intermittent Fasting

Ah yes, Intermittent Fasting (IF) is back and for those of you who are scratching your heads, no it isn’t Ramadan.

According to Guardian, her secret as to how she looks almost the same as some 20 years ago when she starred in F.R.I.E.N.D.S is “not eating”

Well, that’s enough internet for today, I’m switching off my laptop.

Just kidding.

Noticed A Big Difference From Going Without Food

Image: Page Six

More specifically, she has taken up intermittent fasting or the 16:8 diet. Jennifer Aniston earlier told the Radio Times that she “noticed a big difference in going without solid food for 16 hours”.

Unfortunately, she didn’t clarify exactly what the “big difference” was, but I assume it’s in terms of her figure and general youthfulness.

She also said that she skips eating in the morning and counts her sleeping hours as part of her fasting window.

Has A Cheat Day Once A Week

Now before you go Ohhh, that makes sense, her cheat day isn’t really a cheat day. Yes, she does spend this cheat day allowing herself to eat outside of the fasting window, but her ‘cheat’ meal is…

Wait for it…

Celery Juice.

Image: Giphy

Intermittent Fasting Allegedly Keeps You Slim, Improves Blood Sugar Control

Experts have yapped on about Intermittent Fasting and many studies have shown that it allegedly keeps you slim, improves your blood sugar control and boost brain function, among other benefits.

According to Singapore General Hospital (SGH), intermittent fasting involves fasting for certain hours of the day, or for entire days consecutively or not.

Many people choose to go for the 16:8 hour fast, wherein you fast for 16 hours, usually overnight and eat during the 8-hour eating window.

However, SGH has pointed out that most of the studies done have been mainly on overweight subjects and animals. Thus, the results might not apply to everyone.

Like any diet, it’s important to ensure you’re getting enough nutrients and you should be good to go.