JJ Lin Sues a Netizen Who Accused Him of Drug Use, Rape & Tax Evasion

In multiple instances over the years, JJ Lin has shown that he’s not one to shy away from filing lawsuits against others for defamation.

Be it the Chinese netizen who transplanted his face onto offensive image or threatening legal action against anyone who accuses him of being in a sex scandal with Kris Wu, the Singaporean singer who’s based in Taiwan knows he has the wealth and influence, and he will wield it accordingly.

Xie Minghao’s Accusations Against the Singers

In August 2021, Weibo user Xie Minghao, who’s allegedly an actor, went onto the social platform to accuse JJ Lin and Taiwanese-American Wilbur Pan of rape, tax evasion, drug abuse, and coercing others to take drugs as well.

image: weibov.com (@谢明皓工作室)

Despite stating that there was “actual evidence” of the pair committing such crimes and asking everyone to wait for the official authorities to address these issues, nothing has happened thus far.

Has the police been cowed by JJ Lin, or is this self-proclaimed actor just putting up a stunt in a bid for some internet fame?

In the post, he even requested that JJ Lin and Wilbur Pan undergo stringent drug tests immediately, adding, “Hiding and not showing your face doesn’t mean that you can escape the rigour of law!

“The lawyer firms of JJ Lin and Wilbur Pan can sue [me] as much as they want, I want to let the truth come out to light anyway, if only to avoid being wrongly accused by the fans of JJ Lin and Wilbur Pan!”

Well, Xie Minghao certainly got what he wished for, because the lawyer’s summons is here.

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JJ Sues Xie Minghao for the Allegations

On 18 Feb, the legal representative of Lin’s Company JFJ Productions, Shanghai Jiu Ze Law Firm, issued a statement on Weibo.

Image: weibo.com (@上海九泽律师事务所官方微博)

In the statement, the law firm declared that Xie Minghao’s false allegations have caused a negative impact on Lin’s reputation and will begin pursuing legal action against him.

Legal Actions Suspended Temporarily

In a slight twist though, the law firm also announces that they can’t proceed with the defamation lawsuit immediately because Xie Minghao is currently being detained for other criminal charges.

As for what those other criminal charges are, they weren’t explicitly written, but Xie is definitely in for a whole new world of trouble once he’s been released because the law firm will persist in taking the full right to sue him.

The law firm further writes that they will be paying close attention to rumours circulating on the internet, wherein any malicious rumours will be collected and censored accordingly after informing the relevant social platforms, since it is part of the platform’s responsibility to monitor and provide said information.

Lastly, the law firm warns all netizens that the internet is not a lawless place; they will be held accountable for the words and actions that they put out online.  

Definitely a different country and a different place.

The West may take their right to freedom of speech seriously, but China shows its iron fist by its slander and libel laws.

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Featured Images: Weibo (@林俊杰 & @上海九泽律师事务所官方微博)