Son of EX-CAG Chairman, Karl Liew, Charged with Giving False Evidence & Info in Parti Liyani Case

Following the acquittal of charges against Ms Parti Liyani in September 2020, the former domestic helper of Mr Liew Mun Leong and his family, further investigations were conducted with regards to the case.

In a statement released by the Singapore Police Force (SPF), the authorities said, “Following the release of the High Court judgement and in light of the High Court’s comments, the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) directed the Police to conduct further investigations with a view to assess if any offences have been committed by the Liews. The Police have completed investigations and consulted AGC on our recommendations.”

In short, it means that the police have completed their investigations and have reached a conclusion.

So, what’s the conclusion?

Today (5 November 2020), Mr Karl Liew, the son of former Changi Airport Group’s (CAG) chairman, Mr Liew Mun Leong, is charged with giving false evidence and false information to a public servant.

Accused of Giving False Information and Evidence

It was found that the young Liew had been dishonest in giving evidence against Ms Parti Liyani during the trial.

While testifying, Mr Liew claimed that a cream polo T-shirt and a red blouse belonged to him, when he did not believe those statements to be true.

In addition, Mr Liew was also accused of giving a statement at his home to a public servant on 10 December 2016, saying that he found “119 pieces of clothings” belonging to him, in boxes packed by Ms Parti.

Mr Liew was offered bail of $15,000 and will return to court on 17 December.

What Happened

Here’s a quick recap about the case:

In March 2019, Ms Parti was found guilty on four counts of theft and was given two years and two months’ jail time.

She was charged with stealing $34,000 worth of items from Mr Liew and his family.

Some of the stolen items include a $10,000 Gerald Genta watch, 115 items of clothing worth $150 each, two iPhones with accessories valued at more than $2,000 in total.

Ms Parti worked for Mr Liew and his family for nine years, from 2007 to 2016 before her employment was suddenly terminated on October 28, 2016.

During the court hearing on 4 September, Ms Parti’s convictions were overturned. It was cited that the court had failed to consider several points, including the credibility of the testimony of Mr Karl Liew.

After the acquittal, Ms Parti sought an investigation for alleged misconduct by the prosecutors in her case.

According to TODAYonline, the two Deputy Public Prosecutors (DPPs) denied having any intention to mislead the trial court. They also denied that the court was misled.