Everything About the KFC Outlet That Has Been Suspended in Punggol Due to Unclean Food

You’re enjoying a leisurely breakfast from your favourite fast food joint, feeling rather proud of your decision to go for the health-conscious porridge instead of the slightly more sinful waffles. 

However, as you scrape the porridge pot clean and prepare to take your last mouthful, a nasty surprise awaits. 

There, lying on the spoon completely unabashed is a metal screw. 

What a good morning this is turning out to be, indeed. 

Everything About the KFC that has Been Suspended in Punggol Due to Unclean Food 

On 31 Oct 2020, a Facebook user shared that they had ordered the Twisted & Porridge Buddy Meal, which consists of porridge and a breakfast burger, from the KFC outlet at Punggol Oasis through Foodpanda. 

The couple shared the porridge between them and had consumed most of it when they found something rather unsavoury lying in wait for them. 

The husband was about to feed his wife a spoonful of porridge when she saw something sharp on the spoon, which was found out to be the sharp end of a half-inch screw

She shared that she was “disgusted and disappointed” by the experience and wanted KFC to take “full responsibility” for the incident. 

In response, KFC Singapore conveyed their “deepest apologies”. They also stressed that they take matters of food safety and hygiene “very seriously”.

They have since followed up on the issue and assured the couple that they will be conducting further investigations on the incident. 

And now, the verdict’s out on the consequences for the KFC outlet in Punggol Oasis. 

The outlet has been suspended by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) for two weeks (6-19 Apr). 

SFA announced in a press release that the license of the outlet would be suspended for selling unclean food, or food that contained foreign matter, two times. 

This specific KFC outlet had racked up a total of 12 demerit points and was fined $800 within a year.

According to SFA, accumulating 12 or more demerit points within a year may lead to a suspension of license for either two or four weeks, or cancellation of license entirely. 

All food handlers who had been working in the suspended outlet are required to re-attend and pass the Food Safety Course Level 1 before they can go back to work as food handlers. 

And if you encounter any metal screws (or other foreign objects of any sort) in your own food from other places, or come across poor hygiene practices in these places, you’re advised by SFA not to visit these places. 

You can report such incidents through this online feedback form or call the SFA Contact Centre at 68052871.

Featured Image: Google Maps