SFA Recalled KOO Canned Vegetables for Potential Canning Failure

About two weeks ago, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) recalled Now Foods Royal Jelly Capsules for containing banned substances.

This time, they’re back with another notice, and if you’re someone who stocked up lots of canned food recently for fear of them being out of stock, you might want to pay attention to this.

SFA Recalled KOO Canned Vegetables for Potential Canning Failure

SFA has recalled all KOO canned vegetables from South Africa following a recall alert that was first put out by the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). The affected products are manufactured from 1 May 2019 up to and including 5 May 2021.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Food Agency (SFA))

They include:

  • Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce (410g)
  • Butter Beans in Tangy Curry Sauce (410g)
  • Corn Creamstyle Sweetcorn (415g)
  • Baked Beans in Hot Curry Sauce (410g)
  • Mixed Vegetables in Curry Sauce (420g)
  • Baked Beans in Tomato & Herb Sauce (410g)
  • Butter Beans in Tomato Sauce (420g)

This time, it’s not because they found a banned drug substance in the food. Instead, it’s due to a potential canning failure that could cause microbial contamination of the food within. The microbial contamination can result in food spoilage and if you consume it, you may fall sick.

SFA has asked importer Walluco Pte Ltd to recall the affected goods and SFA has confirmed that the recall has already been completed.

What Should I Do If I Already Bought It?

If you happen to be one of the people who bought a few cans of KOO canned food before the recall was made, please do not consume the products.

If you have already consumed it, you are advised to go to a doctor and seek medical advice.

Microbial Contamination 

In case you didn’t know, microbial contamination refers to food being accidentally exposed to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, mould, fungi, and toxins. This can easily lead to food poisoning once a person eats the contaminated food.

Other than food becoming contaminated during the different stages of delivery, food can also become cross-contaminated when high-risk raw foods are stored and prepared close to ready-to-eat foods. It also happens when you undercook chicken, which will give rise to campylobacter, which is a type of bacteria.

Other examples include salmonella that lives in animal intestines getting transferred onto food products during the rearing and slaughtering of animals, as well as when one consumes fish and shellfish that eat toxin-producing organisms.

So if you don’t want to get all these nasty things in your system, make sure that you have very good personal hygiene, you always separate raw and ready-to-eat food at every stage of the food handling process, you always wash raw fruits and vegetables, you ensure that there are no pests around, and you listen to the SFA when they tell you not to consume certain products.

I mean, I’m sure you wouldn’t want a trip down to the A&E for food poisoning, right?

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Image: Facebook (Singapore Food Agency (SFA))