Lady Breaks Down After Finding Out She’s Pregnant After 13 Years Of Trying; Her Doctor Posts Similar Videos On IG

How did it feel when you passed your PSLE?

Or ‘O’ Levels?

Or got your first job?

Sheer Joy

Well, one woman in Johor was over the moon when she found out that she was finally pregnant after 13 years of trying.

Image: Twitter (@Yiyieeen)

Talk about a true bundle of joy.

Twitter user @yiyieeen reposted her reaction video of herself on twitter. The video was originally uploaded by @drthokha, Yiyieen’s OB-GYN (Obstetrician & Gynaecologist) Dr Thokha, who helps couples with infertility issues to have children.

Here is the video:

I’m not sure about you, but I can almost feel the overwhelming joy just from watching the video.

Imagine achieving something after 13 years of trying.

That’s a whole lot of dedication right there.

Miracle Man

Dr Thokha started Yiyieen on a 24-day treatment and at the end of it all, Yiyieen ended up pregnant after 13 years of trying.

You can watch many more success stories on Dr Thokha’s Twitter profile @drthokha to warm your heart and get your daily dose of smiles.

By the looks of it, Dr Thokha seems more like a ‘miracle worker’ than a mere medical professional and I hope he continues to work his magic for many more years to come.

Tips to Conceive

According to, here are some tips to maximize the chances of pregnancy:

Monitor Your Menstrual Cycle Frequency

Monitor whether the first days of your periods tend to come at around the same time every month. This would be considered regular and tracking your cycles on a calendar can help you to predict when you’re ovulating, ie. when your body releases an egg.

This is the best time to have ‘sexy time‘ with your partner. A woman’s egg is only fertile for 12-24 hours after it gets released, whereas a man’s sperm can survive in a woman’s body for up to five days.

If your menstrual cycle isn’t regular, do seek medical help.

Strive For Healthy Body Weight

A woman who is overweight can take twice as long to get pregnant than a woman with a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI). Conversely, a woman who is underweight will find it 4 times as difficult to get pregnant.

Being overweight produces excess estrogen, which interferes with ovulation. Being underweight, on the other hand, may lead to irregular periods, or may stop ovulation completely.

BMI Formula


Eg: 25.7=70kg/(1.65m x1.65m)

A BMI of 18.5 – 24.9 is considered healthy for most adults.

Take a Quality Multi-Vitamin

Take a multivitamin to fill nutritional gaps that you may be missing out on in your diet.

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Adopt an overall healthy lifestyle: Sleep before 10pm, drink lots of water, eat lots of vegetables and do moderate exercises like taking slow walks in the morning.

Take care of yourself and we at Goody Feed are quite sure that Mr Stork will deliver your very own bundle of joy really, really soon. 🙂