Liquid vs powdered laundry detergent: which one is better?


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:53 pm

Powdered and liquid laundry detergent have always been on a constant face-off. It’s kind of like an endless Fight Club scene. You wonder which detergent reigns victorious as the better option for washing your clothes. I’m going to help you put that thought to rest, once and for all, today.

The Good and the Bad on Powder Detergent
The substances that are used to clean your clothes like surfactants and bleaching agents are much more stable in a powdered detergent.

Thanks to that, powder detergents have a better shelf life. You won’t have to worry about your product becoming ineffective if you stock up during a promo.

Now over to the bad side
If you overdose your clothes with detergent in the wash, you’d find gunk that look like dried white vomit on your clothes. You’d have to use an extra rinse cycle to get it all cleared, which is going to result in extra water.

Certain types of powdered detergent need warm water to dissolve themselves, so you’d need a machine that has a warm water wash setting. That, and the fact that you’d be using extra units of electricity which is going to cost you money!

Now, About Liquid Detergents
Liquid detergents have no dissolving issues whatsoever (phew!). The bad thing about this baby is that you’d hardly find a liquid detergent cap that marks just where you ought to stop for your load of clothes.

You’d have to estimate on your own just how much you need for each round of clothes.

Storing your liquid detergent isn’t as easy too, as the bottles are huge and take up a lot of space. Oh, and if you overdose on your liquid detergent measurement while washing, it’s just going to clog your machine’s filter.

So Which Detergent Should You Choose?
I’d say go for the powdered detergent. You can dilute the powder before you add them to your load to reduce your chances of getting gunk on your clothes. Follow the instructions on the back of the pack. If possible, stick to a brand that is can be used with cold water and is eco-friendly.

If you’re a die-hard liquid fan, get a brand that comes double or triple-concentrated. These forms of liquid detergent use much less water and packaging. They also pack a kung-fu kick when they wash your clothes!

Top Image: Various-Everythings /