Long Queues For iPhone 11 Which Began 1 Day Before Launch Show It’s Our New National Sport

It’s evident that Apple season is back as hundreds of people brave the heat and camp outside the Apple Store at Orchard Road, waiting eagerly for the release of the iPhone 11.

It can pretty much be considered a yearly affair at this point.

Or a national sport.

Long Queues Outside Orchard Apple Store 

It is no secret that Singaporeans love to queue. From Hello Kitty dolls to Shake Shack, it is pretty clear by now that a lot of us will take extreme measures just to be the first to get our hands on something.

And it’s likewise for the new iPhone 11 models.

Image: Apple

Many have decided to turn the outside of the Apple Store into their temporary homes for a day by spending long hours standing under the sweltering heat, just to make sure they’re able to grasp the new phones the moment they’re released.

On Thursday, 19 September, snake-like queues could be seen outside the store, with some people being smart enough to bring umbrellas and masks to survive the unfavourable weather.

This was a day before the official release of the phones.

Image: Instagram (@alwynkan)

It’s pretty unfortunate that haze season coincides with the Apple season this year. It makes queuing a lot harder and more unbearable than it already is.

Image: Facebook (Jocelyn Tee)

Queues Started At Around 7am

A photo uploaded to Instagram at around 7 in the morning on 19 September shows the first few people that arrived to start queuing at the Apple Store.

All of them are carrying bulging bags, which is probably contains everything they needed for the next 24 hours or so.

Image: Instagram (@eochubes)

My biggest concern is how do you not shower? Especially after sweating in the unbearable heat?

The lengths people would go to just for a phone…

Image: Meme Creator

Officially Released In Singapore

All three models – iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max – have been available for preorder in Singapore since 13 September, and they were officially launched today, on 20 September.

All of them contain some pretty exciting features, and the one that’s most anticipated is probably the camera.

The iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max both boast a triple-camera system with ultra-wide, standard wide and telephoto lenses, while the iPhone 11 is equipped with a  dual-lens system –a zoom 12-megapixel lens, and a 12-megapixel wide-angle option.

You can find out more about their prices and other features here.

If you’re planning on heading over to the Apple Store to grab one for yourself, be prepared to wait in line for a few hours. I’d recommend bringing an N95 mask along as well.

If you’ve already got your hands on the phone, congrats! Seems like all that queuing has finally paid off.