Lowballer Offers $100 For Used Car That Was Marketed for $11,000 in Sgcarmart & Was Unsurprisingly Rejected


The customers whom all online sellers dread to deal with.

Don’t get me wrong, negotiating the price slightly is fine. But if you’re going to offer $100 for something that costs 10 times of that, you might want to control, alternate and delete yourself.

A stomper, Zach, originally submitted it on Stomp. The post featured screenshots of the conversation between the buyer and seller.

Interested Buyer

In the process of selling an item online, a seller’s favourite part of the conversation would usually be when an interested buyer expresses their interest in an item.

This means that they’re quite likely to buy it unless they’re irresponsible or suddenly have no money

Zach had put up his used Nissan Latio for sale on the online platform SgCarMart, which is dedicated to selling cars.

Yes, we’re talking about SgCarMart, not Carousell.

(Guess lowballers exist everywhere)

The buyer expressed interest in the car and even asked if he could go for viewing on the same day.

Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp

Speaking from experience, that means the buyer is very, very interested to buy your item. Which is a win for us sellers because we’re highly likely able to complete the transaction.

Image: giphy

However, the deal turned for the worst fairly quickly.

A Waste

Image: Stomp

Part and parcel of dealing online, the seller revealed more information about the car. He told the buyer that his car’s certificate of entitlement (COE) only had three weeks left, but the buyer could renew the COE for another five years for $12,000.

The buyer, still interested, informed the seller that they wanted to take Off-Peak Car Scheme (OPC) even if he did renew the COE since he only drove on weekends.

He also tells the seller that it was better to pass the car to him instead because it would be a waste to sell the car for a low price. Sounds fishy already.

The seller then informed him that he was selling the price for $11,000.

Now here’s the thing: after the buyer buys it, he can scrape it and gets back a certain amount, most like around $10,000 here.

If you’re still confused, you might want to watch a video we’ve done for this:

So, moving on.

Image: Stomp

Here comes the most dreadful conversation any seller dislikes.

“100, ok?”


According to the buyer, he could top up a bit more money to get a new car. Honestly, what was he expecting? That’s not the worst, because he then offered $100.

The seller, in complete disbelief, asked if he was referring to $10,000 or $100. The buyer confirmed it’s $100.

If you could slap a person through a phone screen, this seller should have done it.

Image: giphy

The buyer then goes on to explain that his $100 is justified because the seller’s car would be scrapped in 20 days. And then, he asks again if he was okay with $100.

One thing’s for sure, this guy is persistent with his $100 offer.

Failed Transaction

Image: Stomp

The buyer was also quick to offer to register for OPC under the seller’s plate number even before he could reply if he was okay with the deal.

And the seller did not disappoint.

He told him that $100 would only get him a toy car and then told him to have a good day. I don’t know if you can feel it, but the sarcasm radiating from that one message is overwhelming.

“Sure”, “Thanks”, were the buyer’s replies. His feelings were not hurt, or were they?

If you’re going to lowball in your next online transaction, think twice about your decision and save both you and your seller’s time.

And maybe rethink your life choices, because why are you doing this?

Image: giphy