LTA Did Read Feedback on Areas with Errant PMD Riders; So Suggest Away If You Know a Hotspot

I’m 97.87% sure that LTA has either recently engaged a social media agency to handle their social media accounts, or an intern who used to work in SGAG has just joined them.

Because scrolling through their Facebook newsfeed is just so entertaining and informative; kind of reminded me of a company that starts with G and ends with D.

But anyways, other than having hashtags and a more casual tone peppered with jokes, the team’s also listening to feedback and reading comments, unlike the company that starts with G and ends with D.

Before that, a slight recap.

LTA Has Sent Out Many Good Human Beings to Catch Bad Human Beings with Small Wheels

If you’ve come to our app daily (which you should if you’re a good human being), you’ll know this: since May, LTA has sent out countless AMEOs (Active Mobility Enforcement Officers) to catch errant PMD riders.

And they documented their findings on Facebook, masking their faces, though for some of the images, we hope that they’ve not masked it:

Their operations would sometimes be done in collaborations with other government agencies like the Singapore Police Force or NParks.

Soon, they came out with a hashtag that’ll strike fear into errant PMD riders: #CatchTheNaughtyOnes

Pretty sure that has deterred many errant PMD rider, because once, a GrabFood rider took 30 minutes to deliver my food.

But how did LTA decide on where to conduct their operations? Did they just anyhowly guess, or maybe they just go to places they’re familiar with?

Well, in the latest post, it seems like they’re just like Facebook, “stealing” data from us:

According to their post, their latest operation took place in Sengkang and Lorong Halus, and the locations were chosen because of netizens’ feedback.

This could only imply one thing: they’re crowdsourcing for information on hotspots.

While many of us think that our area is definitely a hotspot, I can only conclude that if more people feedback on one area, you’re going to see many AMEOs in the area one day.

So the gist of this article?

Go to their Facebook Page and comment on the areas that you feel is a hotspot. Do your part and for all you know, we’ve all contributed to making PMD great again.