M’sia Minister Said Fish Supply in M’sia Will be Back to Normal by This Month

For the past two months, uncertain weather conditions caused fishermen in Malaysia to be unable to go out to sea; this resulted in a huge drop in fish supply within the country.

Well, if you’re a huge fan of Malaysia-sourced fish, I’ve got good news for you: Just like the chicken situation in Malaysia, it seems that there’s good news for the fish situation as well.

M’sia Minister Said Fish Supply in M’sia Will be Back to Normal by This Month

On 3 Jun 2022, Deputy Agriculture and Food Industries Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Hamzah revealed a piece of good news:

“Fish supply will move back to normal this month.”

The increase in fish supply is expected to persist until October when it’ll reach its peak.

Fishing Is Seasonal & Unpredictable

According to the minister, fish supply is seasonal and unpredictable weather patterns will affect the industry’s output.

Due to uncertain weather over the past two months, fishermen in Malaysia were unable to go out to sea to fish.

This caused the supply of fish in Malaysia dropped by seventy per cent from 1 million to 300,000 tonnes.

According to the National Fishermen’s Association (Nekmat), the fish shortage in Malaysia caused the price of fish to soar.

Previously, small mackerels were sold at RM3 – RM4 per kilogram but it soared to RM 12 – RM 14.

What Happens If Fish Became Chicken

When Malaysia announced that they are facing a fish shortage, people in Singapore were worried that they would ban the export of fish to Singapore.

Well, you don’t have to worry too much as Singapore already has backup plans when it comes to seafood.

You can watch our not-so-cute-but-very-fat-blue-cat explain it below:

Singapore is no stranger to Malaysia’s banning antics. Sometimes during monsoon and festive seasons, Malaysia will ban certain seafood products for export due to shortage.

During those periods, Singapore just taps on other sources such as Indonesia which is our largest supplier of seafood, supplying up to 50% of it.

You can read more about it here.

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Feature Image: OlegD / Shutterstock.com