Man Abused Young Wife For Not Knowing How To Dress Up & Look Pretty

Last Updated on 2020-03-11 , 4:02 pm

When you marry a woman, you’re basically promising her that no matter what, you’ll love her forever.

Except, romance doesn’t last forever.

Eventually, the spark will die and, well, that’s when your marriage is put to the test.

In fact, the topic was so compelling we decided to do a video on it.

(And yes, we often do meaningful videos like the one above, so if you like it, do consider subscribing to our YouTube channel or check out our Instagram!)

But that’s beside the point.

Besides divorce, there’s something worse that could happen in a marriage.

Domestic abuse.

And that’s exactly what this man did to his young wife.

Man, 31, Verbally and Physically Abused Wife For Being Not Pretty Enough

Image: sdecoret /

According to World of Buzz, a man was embarrassed when his wife did not dress up or look pretty enough when she accompanied him to an event with friends.

The incident happened on 19 Jan 2019.

He verbally abused his 23-year-old wife on the way home after the event.

Then, he stabbed her in the left leg repeatedly with a key and hit her head with a motorcycle helmet.

If that’s not enough, he had also kicked the wife’s head, leaving bruises on her left eyebrow, nose and both eyelids.

It’s Not The First Time

According to the report, this wasn’t the first time the wife was abused by her husband.

Image: Tribun News

But she’s had enough of being abused by her husband and decided to lodge a police report against him on 23 Jan 2019.


When the husband was brought in to be questioned by the police, he confessed.

He claimed that he acted this way because he was ashamed of his wife for not looking good enough for him.

Image: Detik News

He was charged by the police, and if found guilty, could be sentenced to a maximum jail term of 5 years or a maximum fine of 15 million Indonesian Rupiah (~SGD1435.60).

If You Know of Anyone, Or You Yourself is Being Abused

Call the cops. Immediately.

Because while you might convince yourself that you can’t do that to a person you love, you have to admit that if that person really loves you, he wouldn’t do that to you.

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Abusers get high on the power they perceive themselves to have when they’re belittling, degrading or beating you up. Just like bullies.

Unfortunately, unlike bullies, they don’t leave you alone if you ignore the problem.

According to a report ran in Dec 2017, there is an increase in family violence against women above the age of 50.

And it’s not just older ladies.

According to Singapore Children’s Society’s Yishun Family Service Centre, domestic violence cases form the second-highest number out of all the cases they’ve seen.

“The numbers that we have on hand are those who reported family violence as their presenting issue when they come in.” 

“But when we talk to the other cases when the presenting issue has to do with finances or parenting, we realised that when we dig further, there is family violence as well.”

And it’s highly likely that these cases are under-reported if anything else.

By the way, abuse isn’t just about beating someone up physically. It can come in the form of physical, verbal, psychological, emotional or sexual abuse.

So please, don’t suffer in silence.