52YO S’pore Man Blackmailed for $9,000 After Chatting Naked With Women He Knew from TikTok

While social media has definitely made connecting with others much more convenient, it’s safe to say that it’s also made it much more dangerous as well.

Especially if you don’t know who you’re connecting with.

And that’s the exact case that this man ended up in when he talked to two women that he got to know from TikTok.


And before you go, “Wait, what?”, here’s all you need to know.

Man Added Two Women as Friends on TikTok, Chatted Via Telegram

When sharing his experience with Shin Min Daily News, 52-year-old Mr Xie (Hanyu pinyin), the man involved in this incident, explained that he got to know the two women through TikTok.

In particular, he was scrolling through TikTok (just like many of us) last Saturday (4 March) when he decided to add one of the women as a friend on the social media platform.

The woman then asked Mr Xie to add her on Telegram for them to chat there.

Woman Suggested Video Calling While Naked

While chatting on Telegram, the woman “complained” that it was too boring and suggested that the pair video call each other while naked.

Mr Xie complied, and the two had a video call for around four hours while naked before ending the call.

Happened Again With Another Woman

The next day (5 March), the same thing happened again.

But with another woman.

Mr Xie shared that he added another woman on TikTok as a friend and ended up chatting naked with her as well.

Suddenly Received Blackmail Message

However, at 3 pm on Sunday (5 March), Mr Xie received a message from the first woman he chatted with the day before.

The woman told him that she had videos of Mr Xie being naked and asked him for $5,000.

Mr Xie also recalled how he received a call from a man who claimed to be the woman’s companion shortly after receiving the text.

The man said that he would only delete the videos of Mr Xie if he transferred the money immediately.

If not, he would send the videos to others.

Second Woman Also Did the Same Thing

On Monday (6 March), Mr Xie also received the same kind of text from the second woman he chatted with.

This time, the woman asked him for $4,000.

Upon receiving the text, which was similar to the first woman’s, it finally dawned on him that he had fallen into a scam of sorts.

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He then chose to lodge a police report and block the woman’s contact.

When reflecting on his experience, he expressed his hopes for Singaporeans to be more alert and avoid falling victim to similar cases.