Man Demands Bus Driver to U-Turn Coz’ He Missed His Stop; Refused to Alight from Bus


Whether it’s because we’ve been too engrossed in a game, texting a crush, or napping, we’ve all missed our stop on the bus or train before.

When that happens, we get off at the next stop, cross over to the other side, and take the bus or train, or even walk back to our desired stop.

Sounds simple, right?


Well, one commuter didn’t want to do those things. Instead, he wanted the bus to make a u-turn just for him.

Man Demands Bus Driver to U-Turn Coz’ He Missed His Stop

A video of a man demanding that a bus driver turn around after he missed his stop has gone viral on social media.

It was first shared on TikTok, and has since been reposted on YouTube. The original video has been taken down.

In the video, a man in a light blue, long-sleeved t-shirt can be heard saying in Mandarin that he missed his stop.

Angry, the man threatens to call the police and lodge a report against the driver.

The bus captain said he had not heard a bell ring when approaching the man’s desired stop, but the main claims that he had indeed pressed the bell.

A woman off-screen comes to the bus driver’s defence, saying the man had indeed failed to get off at his stop, which is the same stop where she had boarded the bus.

“Yah, you stop there, I go up, but he never go down,” she said.


Refused to Alight from Bus

So, one claims that he had pressed the bell, and two others contradict this statement. At this point, the man who missed his stop had two choices:

  1. Alight and find a way to get to his stop
  2. Literally anything but refuse to alight

So, of course, he refused to alight.

The man insists that the bus driver was at fault and refused to alight from the bus. Instead, he demands that the bus driver send him back to his original stop.

While you’re at it, could you make a few turns and drop me right at my doorstep?

But of course, the bus driver couldn’t do this, and probably has never done such a thing in his entire career.


In response, the man asks for monetary compensation for the time he had lost. He also asks for a taxi.

When a fellow commuter suggests that he simply get off and walk back to his missed stop, the man said he’s an old man who can’t walk.

According to the netizen who uploaded the video, all of the passengers, including the man, eventually alighted and boarded another bus.

So, by arguing over the precious time he had lost, the man lost even more precious time.

It really makes you think, doesn’t it?


Here’s the full video:

Featured Image: Youtube (Singapore Incidents)