Man Caned Kid in Swimming Lesson; Netizens Divided on Whether It’s Okay

When I was younger, I used to attend swimming classes religiously every Sunday.

My swimming instructor wasn’t always the kindest. The man was infamous for hurling vulgarities at kids and hitting their thighs or legs when they weren’t able to perform.

He was like the strict discipline master in school – the kind where students would freeze up once his presence was felt.

I got so scared of him once that I even cried and begged my parents to let me quit swimming.

However, I would be lying if I said his torturous training methods didn’t help at all.

And perhaps maybe this is what this man is doing.

Man Follows And Hits Swimming Kid With Cane 

In a video submitted to All Singapore Stuff on Facebook, it showed a man following a child who was swimming closely.

There was a cane in his hand and it seemed as if he was using it to hit the child repeatedly.

Yes, a cane. In a swimming pool.

Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

The girl at the corner: “Heng ah not me” 

The person behind the camera could be heard trying to contain her laughter.

The video has since been removed from the page but was re-uploaded on Mothership.

Who Was The Man? 

The relationship between the man and the child was not specified and was unclear.

However, since the video was taken at a condominium in Singapore, many have assumed that the child was the man’s son.

Classic tiger parents. 

Reaction From Netizens 

Netizens were divided on whether the man’s techniques were appropriate.

Some did not agree with how he was training his child, citing that it wasn’t going to do the boy any good in the future.

Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)
Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

And according to South China Morning Post, they might be right. A Singapore study had found that perfectionist parenting styles may make children extra self-critical resulting in a hit in their confidence.

However, others who believed in “tough love” applauded and supported the man.

Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)
Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)
Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

Tough love is still love. And it helps the child mature by learning to act independently, according to The Straits Times.

Looks like there are both solid reasons to both sides of the debate. Which side are you on? Or are you with the person behind the camera, taking things with a pinch of salt?

And here’s something even more shocking: what if he’s just a swimming instructor?

Image: giphy