Man Damaged Spine & Almost Paralysed After Constantly Lying Down On The Sofa To Play With Mobile Phone


Last Updated on 2019-05-14 , 4:43 pm

Are you glued to your phone screen all the time?

Chances are, you probably are. I mean, now’s the gen Z era, right?

But here’s the thing.

Keeping your eyes glued to the phone is one thing. How you do it is another.

Like this poor dude who became almost paralysed after constantly lying down on the sofa while playing with his mobile phone.

Meet Li, A Man From Jiangsu, China


Does his posture look familiar? Does it look like yours when you’re relaxing and just having some fun with your phone?

Because if you do that, you should stop.

According to online reports, Li constantly lies down in this position while fiddling around with his phone.

He was always on his mobile phone and would only put it down at bedtime.

So everything was going fine when one day, he woke up alarmed.

He had difficulty breathing and rushed down to the hospital for medical treatment.

Doctor Says The Cause Was His Bad Posture


His constant bad posture caused him to suffer from a herniated disc in his spine. And his spinal nerves were compressed heavily as well.

However, the doctor commended Li for seeking treatment at the fastest possible moment.

Any later and he might just be paralysed in the future.

Doctor: Fix Your Posture When Using Phones

So now that you know what you should not do, what should you do?


According to the doctor, don’t hold your phone too low.


When you hold your phone too low, you’ll dip your head to look at your phone.

When you dip your head lower than 60 degrees, you’ll practically be placing 27kg worth of pressure on your neck and spine.

Instead, raise your phone to eye level and make sure to use turn down the brightness of the screen, or use night mode, to avoid tiring out your eyes.

Cultivating The Right Posture

But that’s just part of the problem.


Most of you reading this article right now probably have a bad posture.

You tend to slouch and in the long run, that isn’t good for your spine.

Plus, it makes you look shorter, flabbier and definitely not a good catch.

So you decide to straighten up your act (pun intended) but.


If you don’t think about it, you’ll just slouch right back into old habits.


Don’t worry because everybody here at Goody Feed wants you to straighten up and face the world with a straight back.

Here’s a very useful video we found online that teaches you some easy to do exercises that’ll straighten you out in no time.

Provided you work at it lah.

You’re welcome!