Man Hands In ‘Sorry For Your Loss’ Condolence Card As Resignation Letter


Last Updated on 2022-10-01 , 12:41 pm

I’m going to be honest with you.

I spend a lot of time browsing memes on websites like Facebook and Reddit. (Nope, not during work, don’t worry, boss)

Maybe if you’re also a man of culture, you would have seen this post around that I regularly scroll past.

Image: Reddit

It’s pretty funny, but I assumed it was just a joke and that’s all it would ever be.

Well, apparently not.

Man Actually Used Condolence Card To Resign

A tweet carrying images surfaced on Twitter on 27 June 2019, and it quickly went viral.

These were the photos attached with the caption, “one of our team members handed in their notice like this”

Image: Twitter (bitchitshan)

Yes, someone actually went and did it.

I’m not sure if he was actually inspired by the post or his own creativity, but he deserves a round of applause anyway.

According to Business Insider, this is what we know about this legend.

Have You Met Sam Baines?

The man is named Sam Baines, a 22-year-old who worked at a call centre in Sheffield, UK.

Apparently, Baines did it all in good fun, as he had “a really close team and have a fantastic manager”.

After working there for almost a year, Baines had to return to university and thus “had to do something a little more creative when giving [his] notice to try and get one more joke in before [he] left”.

He was also sure that “[his] boss would find it funny, so [he] wasn’t worried about how they’d take it”.

Well, losing such a fun worker would truly be a




If you didn’t know what that meant, it meant “loss”. It’s another meme.

He’s Not The Only One, It Seems

Well, after the tweet went viral, many others shared their own similar cases.

Turns out, Baines wasn’t the only one who had done this.


Now I’m thinking, the post about ‘Todd’ that I shared at the start was probably real.

Also, as Baines said himself, it helps “make a positive from an otherwise sad situation”.

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Of course, you’d have to make sure that your boss has a sense of humour.


Now I’m thinking, maybe I can use this idea for my resignation letter.

Just kidding, boss, don’t fire me.

I’m not resigning. Yet.

Featured Image: Twitter (bitchitshan)