This man just trolled the world by accurately predicting the major happenings in 2016


Last Updated on 2016-06-23 , 12:27 pm

If you clicked on the article because of the featured image, you’re not alone. Because we did it too, and apparently, many million of others as well. And if you came across this post before, you’ll probably know what we’re talking about.

A Facebook user by the name of Pablo Reyes wrote his predictions about what will happen in 2016 on a Facebook post dated 26 December 2015, and it has since gone viral.

Image: Facebook (Pablo Reyes)
Image: Facebook (Pablo Reyes)

Eerie? Yes. Amazing? Yes! And this is what some netizens said:

Image: Facebook (Pablos Reyes)
Image: Facebook (Pablos Reyes)

Some were guessing how he did it.

Image: Facebook (Pablos Reyes)

While others were simply puzzled.

The more savvy ones, however, either loved him or hated him. He revealed the hoax later in a comment to see how idiots on the internet took it for real.

Image: Facebook (Pablos Reyes)

He went on to say he’s a marketeer by trade, and he writes satire and created hoaxes for fun. He also went on to say that he started Huzler because of that.

When asked about Huzler’s fake news website and whether he’s guilty about duping people, he said that it’s the responsibility of people not to believe everything you see online.

So, how did he do it? Apparently, there are two pretty easy ways to be a fortune teller on Facebook. You can either make use of the “backdate” function on Facebook, which allows you to post something far back in your timeline according to BuzzFeed, or simply edit a previous post you had on that date. 

And voila! An instant fortune telling hoax ready to go.

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