Man Scolded Girlfriend & Said She’s Not Wife Material After Buying 60-Cent Coke

Have you tried Coke?

Who hasn’t really?

Credit: Giphy

Knock back a bottle when you’re parched on a hot day and you’ll feel refreshed and ready to go.

But not if you’re this lady who has to deal with her boyfriend judging the hell out of her afterwards.

So, what happened?

According to ET Today, this girl from China got into a kerfuffle with her 7 years boyfriend on 31 March.

She took to Weibo, a Chinese social media platform, to blow off some steam.

And, of course, we’re all glad she did because now we’re enjoying this (frankly, very entertaining) couple argument like the voyeurs of drama that we are.

Here’s the original post:

Credits: ET today

Basically, the girl went out with her boyfriend for an afternoon. She didn’t have anything to drink the entire time, so when they had a restroom break before going home, she got herself a bottle of coke.

Simple enough… but not to the boyfriend.

What’s wrong with coke?

The bottle of coke was 3 RMB, which is about SGD$0.60. The girl admitted that she didn’t think it’s expensive, and golly, most people wouldn’t think so too.

But this really pissed her boyfriend off, and it seems like he stewed in it for a while, because he asked later if she still didn’t realise why he was mad at her that day.

He said that they were supposed to be spending their lives together, and whatever they are doing now must be done with consideration for their future. Well, things got serious real fast.

He reminded her that she got the bottle of coke even though they were going home soon. “Do you really think there was a need for that?” he allegedly accused.

Credits: Tenor

And then he tried the health angle.

He said that coke wasn’t good for her health, and they had already boiled some water at home, which is way better than coke.

And then the comparisons

Now, if you know the fundamental rule of dating, it’s this: don’t mention another woman. 

But he did. And he did way worse than just mentioning the girl.

Source: Tenor

He drags his friend’s girlfriend into the picture, saying that this perfect lady brings her own bottle of water or a cup when they go out, even though she’s younger than her. Which, man, must say so much in this context, right?

This, he declares, is someone who’s wife-material.

Bringing it back to their relationship, he tells her that they still have a long way to go, and he hopes that whatever happened that day will not happen again.

He concluded his rationale saying he’s looking for a woman who is thrifty and knows how to take care of the household, not someone who is spendthrift.

What went wrong?

A few things.

Most people, as evidenced by the comments, think this is obviously ridiculous. But I don’t think this is about being too stingy, as many commented.

Instead, here’s an alternative analysis: he’s probably unhappy about the attitude behind the spending, perhaps what he sees in his mind as criminally flippant behaviour.

From the way he wants her to curtail her impulses seems to me like this isn’t about being a miser; it’s about being very very uptight.

Another problem is this whole dressing down over the purchase of a bottle of coke, the comparisons and the reminder of the health implications of soft drinks; it’s like how you would admonish a child.

So when it’s used on a woman (an adult for god’s sake), it’s kind of weird.

That said, she admitted that she doesn’t want to break up over this, like many of the netizens are asking her to.

And I get it, we don’t know the full story.

Maybe this is extreme even for him because she seems sane enough.

Plus, she’s put up with him for 7 years. That’s a sign, right?

Or maybe they were just in a bad mood #justsaying