Man ‘Threatened’ Mister Potato After Losing in Online Contest But Apologises After Backlash

Have you ever had just one potato chip, tied the bag up, and carried on with your life?

If you’re in possession of a tongue, your answer to the above question is likely no, because just like one sip of bubble tea, having just one potato chip requires god-like levels of restraint, the kind humans aren’t equipped with.

Potato chips are so addictive that we should thank companies for making their bags small, because we’d have to discuss setting up rehabilitation facilities otherwise.

I could write at least seven volumes on why I think potato chips are so great, but that’s not why we’re here today.

Instead, I’m going to tell you about a man who got so upset after eating a bag of potato chips that he went on an Instagram rapamage and even threatened a potato chip brand.

Man ‘Threatened’ Mister Potato After Losing in Online Contest 

In July, Mister Potato Singapore launched a contest called the #ASEANSpicyChallenge where three iPhone 11 sets, as well as $20 Grab vouchers were up for, well, grabs.

All participants had to do to stand a chance to win those prizes was to gobble down an entire canister of Mister Potato Daebak Black Ghost Pepper Crisps and share it on Instagram.

And they were only allowed a single glass of water.

Image: Tenor

For those of you who are wondering what the big deal is, the ghost pepper is one of the hottest peppers in the world.

To get an idea of just how hot this pepper is, you can watch these two men slowly die after eating one:

But when someone dangles a free iPhone in front of you, you’ll do anything you have to to get it.

After an extension that saw even more Singaporeans burn their insides, the contest finally ended on 31 Aug, and it was time for Mister Potato to deliberate.

A week later, on Monday (7 Sept), Mister Potato announced all the winners, and even decided to give away 10 Grab vouchers instead of the original two so more people could be rewarded for the painful task.

Image: Facebook

The story should have ended there, except one contestant felt a little displeased that he didn’t win an iPhone.

The man actually won the consolation prize of a Grab voucher, but still couldn’t accept the fact that he wasn’t picked as one of the top winners.

So he had two options at this point:

1. Accept defeat and channel his anger into something positive
2. Talk to a therapist about why he’s getting mad at a potato chip company

Unfortunately, the man chose to vent his fury at Mister Potato’s Instagram account and even threatened to approach the brand’s HR team.

Image: AsiaOne

However, when Mister Potato reminded him that they reserve the right to forfeit his prize, the man quickly accepted the voucher but added that he was still peeved.

Image: AsiaOne

I may be disgruntled, but not disgruntled enough to spurn a free Grab voucher.

Apologised After Backlash

The only thing a netizen enjoys more than raging against a big company on social media is going after netizens who irrationally rage against big companies on social media.

This is why a backlash quickly followed, which prompted an apology from the dissatisfied contestant.

Image: AsiaOne

The man apologised for his behaviour and clarified that he did not harass anyone else.

“I just felt frustrated. But after a day I’ve calmed down”, he said.

No one likes to lose, especially when the game involves eating potato chips, something you may feel you were born to do.

But we should learn a lesson from this man, and simply take the L next time.

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