Man Watching Porn Realizes Halfway That His Brother’s Fiance Is The Porn Star


Life is full of mysterious coincidences sometimes.

Perhaps your buddy and you end up failing the test with same scores.

Or maybe your crush ends up feeling the same way you do about them?

You never know how these things happen; they simply do!

Though maybe some coincidences are better left not happening. Like finding out your brother’s girlfriend was starring in porn.

A Dirty Discovery

Take that sub-header however you wish.

According to World Of Buzza Chinese student studying in Australia realised his girlfriend had been working as an escort without his knowledge.

Even worse, he even found out that she had appeared in pornographic videos.

Image: China Press

If that doesn’t deal a blow to someone’s heart then I don’t know what will. 

The way the student found this out probably made the whole situation even more head-shake worthy.

Brother Sent Warnings

The student’s brother had come to visit him in Perth.

Naturally, it was likely that the conversation of his girlfriend would come up.

The student even mentioned that his girlfriend was extremely hard working and would often go to the library to study alone.

Image: China Press

Apparently, the brother recognised the girl’s image all too well.

Upon heading back to China, he sent his sibling in Australia a letter containing a link to a porn site and a keyword.

He even persuaded him to break up as soon as possible.


Firstly, I don’t trust anyone sending me links to porn sites but this guy apparently just went for it.

To his absolute horror, it sent him straight to a video of his girlfriend performing sexual acts on someone else.

Image: China Press

Pause here because I need to state something real quick.

The fact that the brother recognised the girl instantly is pretty wild.

Now just imagine how many videos he must’ve seen of her only and found out that his brother was dating the girl he might’ve had…fantasies about.


Bit awkward.


So yeah, the whole situation obviously sucked and the student went straight to his girlfriend for some answers.

Not What You Expected

Boy, these replies were something else.

The student immediately texted her, demanding to know if it was her and why she was in those videos.

Very calmly, she sent this back to him.

Image: China Press

She literally told him that there was no need to ask and that she had no need to explain anything to him.


Uh, you guys are together and I think these things should definitely be explained?

In another text below, she states that she ‘did it for the money, why else?”

Image: China Press

The nerve of this person.

If you weren’t heated already, let me carry on.

The next one reveals that the student had bought her stilettos.


When asked if those weren’t enough to keep her satisfied, she basically replied saying that they probably weren’t.

Image: China Press

Shame on the guy who thought he could buy her with gifts but shame on her too for being so greedy.

Finally, he did state that he would probably inform her father about this. Her only reply to it was telling him to do it if it would make him feel better about the whole situation,

Image: China Press

It kind of annoys me how she doesn’t seem the least bit guilty about it too.


Lucky for her, the student chose not to do so and even tried to get back with her but was shot down.

Good riddance, honestly. Find yourself someone better, dude.

The girl has since removed her accounts used for escort services and stayed in Australia while the guy went back to China.

Feels bad, man.


It’s pretty cursed to do stuff behind your partner’s back or if you were already doing it before and not informing them.

Just remember that you don’t really need someone like that in your life.