Man With Kidney Problems Ate 4 Mooncakes Every Day Until His Blood Turned Milky White

The Mid-Autumn Festival’s today, and you know what that means:

It’s time for mooncakes!




“You do know that mooncakes aren’t healthy, right?” my manager told me.


“You do know that one baked lotus seed paste mooncake is 716 kcal, and an average baked salted egg yolk mooncake contains around three teaspoons of oil?”



“Aiya, YOLO right? I don’t want to live a long life, you know. I want to live a short and sweet life. Besides, it’s not like my blood’s gonna turn milky white…”

“Man With Kidney Problems Ate 4 Mooncakes Almost Everyday Until His Blood Turned Milky White.”

I looked at him. He looked at me.

“Erm…” I started.

“Wanna have Cai Fan…?”

“Now you’re talking,” he smiled.

With a little mooncake?”

Man With Kidney Problems Ate 4 Mooncakes Almost Every Day Until His Blood Turned Milky White

According to Bastille Post, a middle-aged man from Hangzhou, China reportedly ate so many mooncakes that his blood changed colour:

Into a milky-white colour.


According to the man, who’s surnamed Wang, there were many mooncakes at home and he was afraid that it would all go to waste. As a result, he chose to do the ‘inevitable’:

Chugging down three or four mooncakes almost every day… for four months.

It’s Already Pretty Damn Bad, But Heed This

A mooncake diet is already pretty bad. A mooncake diet for him, in particular, is even worse. Because apparently…

Wang is also a uremic patient with kidney failure, who requires dialysis. 

And so one fine morning, as Wang headed to the clinic for his routine checkup, the medical staff discovered some pretty shocking stuff:

They found that Wang’s blood flow was extremely slow, and when it finally flowed out, he saw that his blood was hazy, turbid…

And that parts of it were milky-white in colour.

Image: Giphy

Naturally, the doctor sent Wang’s blood for testing, and the report was released on that same afternoon:

The results revealed that the triglyceride level in his blood was 16.6mmol/Lwhich is roughly ten times higher than a normal person. According to Mayo Clinic, a normal person’s triglyceride is usually less than 1.7 mmol/L.

Mooncake Is Life; Health Is Also Life

Lest you’re unaware, triglycerides are a type of fat that can be found in your blood. To exemplify, any calories leftover from the food you consumed and isn’t used right away is actually stored in your fat cells until needed.

As such, after the unveiling of such startling news, the doctor contacted Wang to inform him of his results. Wang was reportedly shocked and lamented how he couldn’t enjoy mooncakes anymore.

Aww, cheer up buddy. I’m sure that as long as you don’t eat four big-ass mooncakes a day you’ll be fine. Moderation is key, right?

A Mooncake Love Story

After treatment, Wang’s health indicators soon became normal again. And despite his clear love for the sugary treats, he promised the doctor that he would change his eating habits and be more health-conscious.

Way to go buddy! And hey, if you’re craving a mooncake, just have it.

After all, you should be fine as long as you limit your quantity for the week, right?