Mark Lee Reveals His Secret to a Long & Happy Marriage & It Involves His Mobile Phone

Renowned comedian Mark Lee recently reflected on the key factors contributing to his enduring and joyful marriage with his wife as they celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary.

Mark, who is also a local actor, host, and director, shares three children—Calista Lee, 14, Maksonn Lee, 11, and Calynn Lee, nine—with his wife of 24 years, Ms Catherine Ng.

In a recent interview with Lianhe Zaobao on 28 May 2023, Mark divulged the secrets behind their successful partnership: open communication, trust, and a noteworthy gesture of not setting a password on his smartphone.

Temptations in Showbiz Not Worth Risking Endangerment to Marriage

During their courtship, Mark noted in an interview in February 2022 that he fully understood and empathised with his wife’s concerns regarding the potential temptations that come with his showbiz career.

Ms Ng candidly admits that despite the passage of time, she still experiences bouts of insecurity and jealousy when Mark receives attention from other women, given his position as the head of his entertainment company, King Kong Media Production.

In response, Mark openly acknowledges that, as a public figure, he has encountered situations where young girls approach him with ulterior motives. 

However, he remains resolute in his commitment to his marriage.

To address these worries and establish trust in their relationship, he invited his wife to check his mobile phone whenever she needed, ensuring transparency and assurance.


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Mark further states that his commitment to his marriage was based on his own observations of his celebrity friends, like Jack Neo, who suffered from the detrimental impacts of his extramarital affairs.

Consequently, Mark asserts that he has no interest in cheating, emphasising his dedication to his career and family, especially his daughters. 

Mark States He Is Not Very Romantic But Is Committed to His Wife

Upon reflection on their remarkable journey of 24 years together, Mark compared his marriage to the rare Spessartine gem

Just like this precious gem, their bond is unique, hard-won, and treasured.

Furthermore, despite acknowledging his own tendency to be less romantic, Mark states that he compensates for it by assuring his wife of his unwavering commitment, which he affirms in a resolute tone, is eternal. 

He firmly believes that genuine and lasting happiness can be found in a committed and loving spouse rather than in a temporary fling with a mistress.

Furthermore, he felt that infidelity would only bring additional troubles for his children, who would have to endure gossip and speculation about their father’s fidelity.

He also acknowledged that his wife is aware of his less romantic nature and has grown accustomed to it over time.

However, he stressed that their sweet and intimate moments as a couple could be reignited once their children grow up and give them more space to have independence in their lives.

Helps Wife With Housework and Child Rearing After Work

When asked about other secrets to maintaining a happy marriage for such a long time, Mark, who is not known for being overly emotional, explained that managing a marriage is more intricate than running his business.

He highlighted the difference between business management, which primarily focuses on finances, and the ongoing effort required to sustain a successful marriage.

Similarly, Ms Ng, who helps run Mark’s various businesses, stated that they have both recognised the need for accommodation and understanding in their relationship.

Mark does so by acknowledging the immense pressure his wife faces as the primary caregiver and disciplinarian for their three children. 

As such, despite his busy schedule, he makes it a point to lend an ear to his wife’s grievances upon returning home, providing her with an outlet to express her frustrations.

Additionally, when faced with his children’s academic struggles, he actively joins his wife in educating their children, reminding them that studying is an investment in their future.

However, the Lee children have also inherited their father’s sharp tongue, sometimes playfully complaining that Mark has achieved great success even without studying hard in school. 

Mark skillfully navigates these situations, often responding half-jokingly and half-seriously that if he had focused on studying during his own childhood, he might have achieved even greater success and “become their school’s principal”.

In addition to sharing parenting responsibilities, Mark expressed his good fortune in having a positive relationship with his mother-in-law. 

He considered it a blessing that they had never encountered any significant issues, contributing further to the harmony of their marriage.

Romance Has Died Down, But The Couple Is Still Happy Together


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As the interview occurred during their 24th wedding anniversary celebration in South Korea, Mark affectionately mentioned his wife’s practical nature, saying that instead of enjoying the trip, she suggested live-streaming the celebration.  

In response, Ms Ng shared that their once romantic passion has transformed into a deep familial bond after decades of marriage.

She acknowledged that Mark is no longer as romantic as he was during their dating years. 

However, she highlighted that Mark consistently tries to strengthen their bond whenever the opportunity arises.

For instance, whenever Mark travels overseas for work, he ensures Ms Ng accompanies him.

Furthermore, for her recent birthday celebration in 2023, Mark thoughtfully arranged and booked the location.

However, in his endearing clumsy manner, he humorously remarked that Ms Ng would be responsible for contacting and inviting guests. 

Ms Ng couldn’t help but laugh and appreciate the gesture.

In response, Mark emphasised that while romantic gestures and material possessions may hold significance, the actual value of a relationship lies in a lifelong commitment. 

He firmly stated that no amount of diamonds or gems in the world could salvage a relationship without a stable foundation.

As the interview concluded, Mark shared his vision of their ashes being placed together, symbolising their enduring bond beyond this lifetime.