Model Spotted Selling Fish at Taiwanese Market & Immediately Attracted More Than Fish Buyers


Last Updated on 2018-12-14 , 2:09 pm

Now, I’m sure you can all relate when I say:

Going grocery shopping with Mum isn’t the most fun thing you would want to do on a Sunday morning.

Image: Giphy

I mean sure; I love my mum and all, but there’s honestly so much one could do on a Sunday morning rather than say go scout out wet fishes in a place that smells like refurbished durians with molten cheese. Like no offence, Mum, but that ain’t for someone like me.

For I’m a man with plans, morals and ambitions.

Image: Giphy

Indeed, I feel that there’s no better man than-

“Eh Ah Boy, want to go wet market with me?” Mum called from the living room.

I scowled. See?


“I heard from Aunt Lisa got chio bu eh.”

“I DON’T-”

I hesitated.

“What did you say?”

Right there and then, a piece of paper hit me squarely in the face. “What’s this shit…”

I trailed off, for the picture showed a girl. Or to be more specific…

A not-so-ordinary girl.

Image: BcBcBabe

“You wanna come now?”

I sat up straight, and for the first time in twenty years, my eyes opened so wide they weren’t Asian anymore.

“Why didn’t you tell me that I was meeting my future wife today, oh my lovely mum?”

The Hot Fishmonger

Now, it’s common knowledge that fishmongers are generally…

Not that attractive.

Image: Gifer

But just like every other stereotype out there, there’s bound to be some sheep that differ from the rest. And it just so happens that over in Taiwan…

It’s not so much of a black sheep, as it is of an angelic sheep.

Meet Liu PengPeng.

Image: Facebook

Apart from being a model in Taiwan, she also helps out with her family’s wet market stall in Changsha.

And unsurprisingly, she has been “scouted out” by several keen-eyed Netizens.



低胸賣魚妹太正!網友揪團到彰化:買魚了彰化的社頭市場出現賣魚正妹,讓一堆網友揪團「買魚了!」網友在《臉書》社團「爆廢公社二館」貼出賣魚正妹的照片,可見穿著細肩帶背心的正妹,在賣魚攤招呼客人買魚,全妝的她在市場中特別明顯,發文網友還笑說「媽,我以後都幫你去買魚。」照片一出立刻有網友討論,「好美的闆娘」、「突然想吃魚」,還有人說「媽以後我幫你去彰化社頭買魚會比較久一點」、「跪求賣魚西施FB」、「我社頭人,我要回外婆家了。」但也有眼尖網友認出,「應該只有我感覺沒有很熟練」、「這不是阿澎嗎?」、「麻豆也兼職賣魚嗎?」網紅劉芃芃之後也在《臉書》粉絲團分享《蘋果》的新聞,證實賣魚的就是她!她笑著寫下「只是回去幫忙」、「我們家攤位上新聞了!」讓粉絲驚呼「還真的是阿澎」、「原來阿澎是彰化人,我也要去買。」#劉芃芃 #社頭魚市場

Posted by 漂亮的笑容才會讓大腦愉快 on Thursday, 6 December 2018

With people raving:


Which can be loosely translated as “I have decided to help my mum buy groceries from now on.”

It was only a matter of time before the media stepped in, and I wasn’t disappointed.


Incidentally, The Apple Daily’s post received over 23.000 likes and over 1,000 shares, a sure testament to how inviting the subject topic was.


And it seems that the extra attention worked in the model’s favour too.

Image: 劉芃芃 Facebook Page

In a nutshell, the model expressed that there has been an influx of work opportunities, and she expressed that in the meantime, she’s unable to accept any more work requests.

But here’s the thing

For it seems that Ms Liu’s beauty transcends not only barriers; but continents as well.

Image: 劉芃芃 Facebook Page

However, despite the newfound fame, she’s still remaining relatively humble.

“To be honest, a lot of people who are here now are just busy filming me on their phones, I’d rather they buy more fish from my mom!”

Well, can’t blame the people filming on their phones, really. After all, it’s not everyday that you get to see a model slicing up fishes for you.

So what are you waiting for?

If you’re constantly thirsty for wet… fishes, I really doubt there’s anywhere better to go.

So book your tickets for Taiwan fast, because you can be sure that there’ll be a whole load more horny males healthy males just queuing up for some glistening white fishes.

Image: Giphy

In the meantime, I’ll just be busy staring at my own prettygirl99.

Because while there might be many fishes in the sea, I still prefer mine the most.