Trailer for Money No Enough 3 is Out & It Touches on Trending Topics

The trailer for Money No Enough 3 has been eagerly anticipated, and it has finally made its debut.

The movie is slated for release during Chinese New Year in 2024, promising to touch on a range of trending topics while continuing its tradition of exploring the financial struggles faced by Singaporeans.

The Money No Enough franchise has a rich history, with the first instalment hitting the screens in 1998. Directed by Tay Teck Lock and starring Jack Neo as the actor and screenwriter, the film featured iconic co-stars Mark Lee and Henry Thia.

The first film was met with a resounding success, grossing an impressive S$5,800,000.

The sequel, Money No Enough 2, followed suit, maintaining the same core cast and raking in $4,800,000.

Now, with, Money No Enough 3 on the horizon, Jack Neo is set to direct once again, bringing back the same beloved co-stars.

Money No Enough 3 Trailer

The trailer offers a glimpse into a storyline that mirrors our current way of life. From Gen-Z asking for 2 WFH days to eateries facing manpower issues, the latest Jack Neo’s movie is almost like a reflection of reality.

The trailer showcases Neo, Lee and Thia as lifelong friends – their chemistry proving to remain despite the long gap between the movies.

The storyline revolves around Mark Lee’s character, who resorts to borrowing money to venture into an illegal business in an attempt to offset his mounting debts.

The characters who run an eatery are facing a staff shortage, a predicament familiar to many business owners today.

During a conversation, one character even mentions the increase of people working as private hire drivers. In fact, he humorously noted that you could easily pluck a “private hire” driver out of a crowd, a phenomenon that resonates with the reality of today’s gig economy.

The trailer displays multiple generations, portraying the pickiness of Gen Z’s job seekers by showcasing their demands for a 5-day work week, a refusal to work overtime, and an insistence on two work-from-home days.

Source: YouTube (GVPictures)

As a member of Gen Z myself, I have to admit that I support their demands.

The trailer concludes with the character’s hopeful pursuit of a S$13 million lottery win as a solution to their problems, a dream that resonates with countless individuals who have stood in long queues to purchase 4D or TOTO tickets.

The trailer definitely promises that this movie will be an entertaining watch Lunar New Year watch, blending humour with relatable themes.

You can watch the trailer here:

The movie will be out on 1 February 2024.