Monster Curry Spiciest Curry Review: Still Okay For People Who Like Spicy Food

Monster Curry has been around in Singapore for quite some time now, which makes this review extremely overdue!

Now, unlike my previous review, I wasn’t exactly jumping and down volunteering to try this one out.

Simply because I had already tried it.

And honestly, I wasn’t too impressed.


But since I’m always keen on giving things a second shot, I was down to give this another go!

So back we went to our boss to “steal” his credit card and we got on FoodPanda!

Full disclosure, the bunch of us got carried away and we filled up that card until our boss brought us back down to reality by giving us a budget. Hahaha we tried 😉

So on to the review!

We decided to get one of their most popular menu items – the cheesy chicken katsu!

We got this with the monster spice (level 5), because one of us is really curious on how spicy it was.

It was after we posted an app-exclusive article in our app (yeah, you missed this promotion if you didn’t download our app as that article is only in our app, and not in our Facebook or website):

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Well, moving on (after you’ve downloaded the app)…

So firstly, I love the delivery box it came in! Check it out!

Very Chinese New Year reminiscent!

The meal came with a Pepsi Black too, my favourite!

So, this was time for the big reveal – how did the Monster Curry fare via delivery.

And frankly, it actually survived quite well.

The rice was just a little soggy from the heat of the chicken.

And since the chicken was covered in cheese, it didn’t really even matter much that it wasn’t as crispy as it would have been if you got it piping hot, fresh out of the fryer.

The vegetables were still very crisp.

The Monster Curry came separately – you have to pour it in yourself.

You can already see the amount of chilli in this from the orange tinge the usually-brown curry had!

When I poured the curry in, I could smell the strong notes of chilli, which got me excited because I was like hohoh-awesome, it’s gonna be spiiiicy!

I love spicy food. Just in case you were wondering. 

And this is what it looked like with all the curry in.

Pretty awesome, isn’t it?

Now that we have gushed over its looks and packaging, let’s get on with the review itself.

When you love food as much as I do, it’s not just the taste and looks that count.

The smell of the food is so important.

Eating is a sensory experience!

The more of my senses you please, the happier I’ll be and the better the food is (in my humble opinion, at least).

So how did the dish fare?

Well, let me tell you, the smell of the fried chicken, the cheese, the curry and the spice got me really, really excited.

It smelt awesome!

Like fried, peppery goodness.

I started by putting a piece of the chicken into my mouth.

And it was…

…well, underwhelming.

It looks and smells better than it tastes.

Plus, I didn’t find it spicy.

I mean, don’t get me wrong. It’s not bad.

The chicken is fresh, even though I would say it was underseasoned.

And the cheese made the chicken fall flat.

The curry really salvaged the dish because it added a salty, mildly spicy, tangy combination which tasted very pleasant!

I don’t eat Japanese curry very much so I cannot comment on how it fares amongst real Japanese curry.

But my Singaporean tastebuds found it pretty yum.

There was nothing wrong with the flavour profile of the curry.

But as mentioned, the dish in its entirety was just rather…


It’s not an impressive (aside from the portion size, of course) dish.

I will say though, I loved the salad!

It was crunchy, fresh, and had the most delightful sesame dressing!

Super yummy!

And yes, I would go to Monster Curry for the salad.

But would I shell out the money to pay for the actual dishes?

Probably not.

I mean, it’s good to try. Like I said, the chicken and rice taste good with the curry.

It’s a pleasant dining experience.

But if you are going there expecting to be completely blown away, please don’t.

You will be very disappointed.

The portion sizes are huge, so definitely go there if you are hungry and you want a big meal to fill you up.

Definitely also go there to try the curry.

If you are wondering what level of spice to get, I would recommend if you are someone who can handle spice to get anything from Level 3 to Level 5.

My colleague who could not handle spice found the Level 5 to be super spicy; he was in pain and trying to convince us that it was so spicy.

The rest of us were like…eh, it’s nothing lah, so drama for what.

So if you are like him and really cannot get on board the spicy train, get your dish with Level 1-2 spice.

Or if you really CMI then don’t get spice. 

Overall, the food was pleasant, and the portions are hearty and satisfying! Not to mention, the salad is absolutely delicious!

So, Level 5 spiciness: boleh?

A few of us who could take spicy food find that Level 5 is strong, but not to the extend of crying. So go ahead and go for level 5 if you’re one who’ve often include curry in your cai png.

But the food in general? Definitely give it a go for the experience.

Just don’t expect to be wowed.

It’s really not an impressive ‘must-try’, FOMO kind of meal.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

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