Mother & Daughter Fall To Their Death After Hot Air Balloon Bursts 10,000 Feet in The Air

I’ve always had a fear of heights.

So whenever I’d ride a rollercoaster with my friends, they’d be screaming their lungs out with exhilaration and then turn to me and see my terrified face screaming with horror.

Image: Giphy

Even visiting an apartment on a high floor gives me the heebie-jeebies. Surprisingly, I’m fine on airplanes. And I’m sure wouldn’t mind hot air balloons eith-

“Mother And Daughter Fall To Their Death After Hot Air Balloon Bursts 10,000 Feet in The Air”

Nope, I was wrong.

Tragedy struck in Shandong, China when a mother and her young child in a hot air balloon ride fell to their deaths after the balloon exploded.

They were 10,000 feet in the air when the explosion occurred.

A video posted on Weibo, shows the mother and daughter sitting on two separate seats attached to a hot air balloon.

Image: Weibo

As you can see, this hot air balloon set up looks like it was designed by a hitman. The fragile setup consisted merely of poles and rope.

Moreover, according to Outdoor Troop, hot air balloons usually only go between 1,000 and 3,000 feet in the air.

But this hot air balloon went up to 10,000 feet in the air!

Image: Weibo

So what happened to the balloon?

According to Oriental Daily, after reaching a height of 10,000 feet, the rope which attached the two seats to the hydrogen balloon snapped and the hydrogen balloon burst.

The mother and child then fell to their deaths.

Police investigations later revealed that the hot air balloon operation had not been declared, making it illegal.

Thus, the police classified it as a criminal case. The hot air balloon operators have been suspended while tourists had their tickets refunded.

Investigations into the accident are still ongoing.

It’s better to be safe than sorry

Activities like parachuting, bungee jumping, and hot air ballooning have become popular with tourists in recent years. But it’s always better to be cautious with these high-risk activities.

If you do want to take part in activities like hot air ballooning, make sure that the companies organizing these activities are genuine, because your life is more important than a momentary thrill.