This M’sia Cop is So Pretty & Passionate About Her Job, Everyone is Loving Her


Last Updated on 2022-11-10 , 4:05 pm

Forget about the handsome officer in SPF’s anti-crime ad. Look at this police officer from Malaysia instead. Everybody’s looking already, and with good reason, as you can obviously see.

Image: Susan /

Totally shattering stereotypes of what a police officer is expected to look like.

Speaking of shattering stereotypes, this officer, Irene, is trying to change how people view the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP).

She said, in a Facebook post:

What it says in English is roughly as follows.

“I believed I have the responsibility to uphold the reputation of Royal Malaysia Police. Despite trying our best to protect the civilians, we’ve always been labelled as corrupted and incompetent.”

“We work tirelessly day and night, we risk our lives in the line of duty, and sometimes we don’t have time for our family. At the end of the day, our hard work and sacrifice are not acknowledged by the public. We received no praise from society but a ‘good job’ from our superior.”

“Just because a few policemen lost their integrity, doesn’t mean everyone in the force is ‘dirty’. We don’t force you to like the police, but please at least give us some respect. The police are human, not tools.”

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In spite of the negative stereotypes of the RMP, Officer Irene remains so steadfast and passionate in her work. Her earnest message has won over many netizens (though we suspect much of it might be attributed to other… reasons).

Nonetheless, it is admirable for her to attempt to present a better version of the RMP, and it doesn’t hurt to look that good while doing it either.

But how is it possible she’s a police officer— we’re already falling in love.

In the meantime, you can watch these videos on handsome Singapore police officers, too:

Featured Image: Irene Y LM /
