M’sia Temperature Forecast To Soar To 38°C at the End of this Month


Sorry folks, it ain’t this kind of feel-good high-flying, high-soaring.

Image: Theodysseyonline.com

Word is that temperature in Malaysia is expected to soar to 38℃ at the end of next month or the beginning of April.

Image: www.bathclin.co.jp

That’s about as hot as the recommended temperature (40℃) for most Japanese onsen is, except that you’re not in Japan surrounded by lush greenery or kaleidoscopic neon-signs.

Meteorological Department’s National Weather and Geophysics Operations

According to Malaysia’s Meteorological Department’s National Weather and Geophysics Operations, temperatures of up to 38°C is a possibility due to the hot and dry conditions, usually experienced during the tail-end of the northeast monsoon.

While there appears to be quite a lot of scientific research going into monsoons, I couldn’t for the life of me find a much-needed acronym for said department.

Could it be MMDNWGO? Which sounds/looks like IGODOWN or IDANCEAGOGO? Really, IDONTKNOW.

Image: Pinterest

In any case, it appears that in “Perlis, Kedah and Perak, the temperatures are expected to reach 38°C even though the normal temperatures in those areas range from 32°C to 34°C,” according to Dr Mohd Hisham Mohd Anip, Director, MMDNWGO (IDONTCARE, I’m using it), who spoke to the New Straits Times in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday (Feb 27).

In some circumstances, like work and studies, reaching for the stars and exceeding the norm is to die for, in this instance, hot weather can kill too.

Damn, I’m on fire. On Fire.

In his statement to the New Straits Times, Dr Mohd Hisham Mohd Anip advised the public to “stop open burning and exercise caution when carrying out outdoor activities” according to TODAYonline.

He shared, “Drink sufficient amount of water and get updates on the weather from our website, the MetMalaysia social media account and myCuaca app.”

Arr. Strike while the iron is hot.

Temperature’s not All

As the saying goes, “There’s no smoke without fire”, the long-lost antecedent to that phrase, “There’s there’s no fire without heat” makes equal sense too.

Lest if you’re unaware, a few days back Singaporeans caught a whiff of blame-game of burning smell overnight and subsequently episodically and interspersed throughout some days.

Responding to citizens’ upturned noses and concerns, NEA, the acronym for National Environment Agency, shared that a ” fire in southern Johor … was the likely cause of the burning smell reported by Singaporeans earlier this week” and stressed that “a second hot spot was detected in Johor, about 50km to the east and north-east of Singapore on Tuesday” according to the Straits Times.

In other words, NEA is basically saying got some more.


Well, neither the ST report nor NEA’s Facebook post talked about the possible reasons for these fires in said hotspots.

While certain reports link these hotspots to a certain landfill in Johore, it wouldn’t be too far fetched to link it to 38°C right?
