M’sian Girl Beats Cancer Twice; Dances To Earn Money For Lifelong Cancer Treatment

We all know that battling cancer once takes a lot out of someone, but meet Navi Indran Pillai, a strong breast cancer survivor who beat the illness twice, as reported by Star 2


It all started in 2013, when Navi was just 22.

She had originally hoped to pursue a career as a professional classical Indian Dancer. However, she had to put that dream on hold when he was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. 

But Navi was strong and she actually managed to get better after a year. Seeing that her life was back in order, Navi then went on to Australia to continue with her studies. 

And for a while, all was good. 

Cancer Came Back

However, in 2018, Navi’s life was flipped upside down when her cancer came back yet again and now, in a more severe case. 

This time, Navi was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer which meant that the cancer cells were spreading. The cancer had already spread to her backbone as well as her liver, resulting in her having to go through a series of intensive treatments that nearly broke her. 

Thankfully, Navi’s will to stay strong helped her to remain positive through her journey of fighting the disease. 

One particularly striking quote from Navi about her battle with cancer was about how, “As much as I am determined to smile through this, it isn’t easy. There are days when I am really down, and I want others who are going through this to know that it isn’t going to be easy. You can’t be strong overnight, but with support, you can grow strong.”

Image: Giphy

Received Support From Family & Friends

Her fight was tough but with the support she received from her friends, family and the people around her, she managed to gain the strength to fight and better again. With their support, she managed to send her cancer into remission for the second time.

That brings us to right now. Although Navi is better, she still has to carry on with constant treatments to ensure she remains healthy and her cancer is kept at bay. With the lifelong treatments that Navi has to undergo, the medical bills that she racks up are pretty expensive. 

This made Navi want to do something to raise her own funds so that she didn’t have to be too financially dependent on her family for money.

Here comes the part that’ll make you feel ashamed of yourself.

Started Dancing Again To Raise Money For Treatments

Drawing on her past aspirations, Navi decided to go back to her passion for dancing and took to the stage to raise money for her treatments. 

Image: Star 2

Under the mentorship of Guruvayur Usha Dorai, Navi will be putting up a dance performance titled ‘Dhanvantrim Nruthyan #kissedbycancer’ on 12 October at The Shantanand Auditorium of the Temple of Fine Arts in Kuala Lumpur. 

Navi is an example of why we should never stop fighting and an inspiration to all of us who are considering whether or not to pursue our dreams. It’s never too late to pursue our passion. You go girl! 

You can get tickets to Navi’s performance here.